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Velasquez, P., (2014). Automedicación en Padres de Familia de Colegios Estatales del Distrito de Chilca, 2012 [Tesis, Universidad Peruana Los Andes].
Velasquez, P., Automedicación en Padres de Familia de Colegios Estatales del Distrito de Chilca, 2012 [Tesis]. : Universidad Peruana Los Andes; 2014.
title = "Automedicación en Padres de Familia de Colegios Estatales del Distrito de Chilca, 2012",
author = "Velasquez Canto, Peter Eduardo",
publisher = "Universidad Peruana Los Andes",
year = "2014"
Title: Automedicación en Padres de Familia de Colegios Estatales del Distrito de Chilca, 2012
Authors(s): Velasquez Canto, Peter Eduardo
Advisor(s): Bastidas Parraga, Gustavo
Keywords: Automedicación; padres de familia; medicamentos; Self-medication; parents; drugs
Issue Date: 2014
Institution: Universidad Peruana Los Andes
Abstract: Objetivo: Determinar la prevalencia, características demográficas, factores relacionados y conocimientos y actitudes de la automedicación en padres de familia de colegios estatales del distrito de Chilca en el año 2012. Materiales y métodos: El estudio fue observacional descriptivo, transversal, prospectivo y de nivel correlacional, aplicándose encuestas a 380 padres de familia; la tabulación y análisis fueron con los programas Microsoft Office Excel 2010 y IBM SPSS Statistics 21.
Resultados: El 94.7% de la población se automedica, con un 50.6% en hombres, principalmente en: adultos jóvenes, con instrucción superior no universitaria y con ingreso mensual entre 750 a 1500 soles; existe asociación con ingreso económico y con grado de instrucción. La población se automedica principalmente: cada 2 a 4 meses, por dolor, con AINES, analgésicos, antipiréticos y antiinfecciosos, debido a falta de tiempo, recomendados por el dependiente de farmacia, adquiriendo medicamentos en farmacias e informándose sobre éstos consultando al dependiente de farmacia. El 81.9% tienen conocimiento sobre riesgos de la automedicación en la salud, 52.2% mejoró un poco tras automedicarse, 71.4% seguirá automedicándose y el 63.3% no aconseja hacerlo. Conclusiones: La automedicación es una práctica demasiado frecuente, debido a muchos factores; es urgente diseñar políticas que permitan su control por las autoridades de salud.
Palabras clave: Automedicación, padres de familia, medicamentos.
ABSTRACT Objective: To determine the prevalence, demographics, characteristics and knowledge and attitudes of self-medication in parents of public schools in Chilca district in 2012. Materials and methods: The study was an observational, cross-sectional and prospective correlational study , applying surveys to 380 parents , tabulation and analysis were with Microsoft Office Excel 2010 and IBM SPSS Statistics 21 software. Results: 94.7 % of the population self medicated with 50.6 % in men, mainly in young adults with non-university higher education and a monthly income between 750-1500 new soles; there was association with economic income and level of education. The population self-medicate mainly every 2-4 months for pain with NSAID, analgesics, antipyretics and antibiotics, due to lack of time and recommended by the pharmacist. 81.9 % had knowledge about risks of self-medication in health, 52.2 % improved somewhat after self-medicating, 71.4 % will continue self medication and 63.3 % advise not to do it. Conclusions: Self-medication is a too common practice , due to many factors , it is urgent to design policies to control by health authorities. Keywords: Self-medication , parents, drugs.
ABSTRACT Objective: To determine the prevalence, demographics, characteristics and knowledge and attitudes of self-medication in parents of public schools in Chilca district in 2012. Materials and methods: The study was an observational, cross-sectional and prospective correlational study , applying surveys to 380 parents , tabulation and analysis were with Microsoft Office Excel 2010 and IBM SPSS Statistics 21 software. Results: 94.7 % of the population self medicated with 50.6 % in men, mainly in young adults with non-university higher education and a monthly income between 750-1500 new soles; there was association with economic income and level of education. The population self-medicate mainly every 2-4 months for pain with NSAID, analgesics, antipyretics and antibiotics, due to lack of time and recommended by the pharmacist. 81.9 % had knowledge about risks of self-medication in health, 52.2 % improved somewhat after self-medicating, 71.4 % will continue self medication and 63.3 % advise not to do it. Conclusions: Self-medication is a too common practice , due to many factors , it is urgent to design policies to control by health authorities. Keywords: Self-medication , parents, drugs.
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Discipline: Medicina Humana
Grade or title grantor: Universidad Peruana Los Andes. Facultad de Medicina
Grade or title: Medico Cirujano
Register date: 16-Oct-2016
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