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Chirinos, B., (2022). La repercusión que genera en las personas no vacunadas por COVID 19, en el Perú [Universidad Peruana de Las Américas].
Chirinos, B., La repercusión que genera en las personas no vacunadas por COVID 19, en el Perú []. PE: Universidad Peruana de Las Américas; 2022.
title = "La repercusión que genera en las personas no vacunadas por COVID 19, en el Perú",
author = "Chirinos Bravo, Benjamin",
publisher = "Universidad Peruana de Las Américas",
year = "2022"
Title: La repercusión que genera en las personas no vacunadas por COVID 19, en el Perú
Authors(s): Chirinos Bravo, Benjamin
Advisor(s): Serna Santos, Yacky
Keywords: Coronavirus; Inmunización; Dromedarios; Confianza institucional
OCDE field:
Issue Date: 4-Jul-2022
Institution: Universidad Peruana de Las Américas
Abstract: El SARS-CoV-2 es uno de los siete que coronavirus que existen, solo tres de ella causa neumonía mortal en los seres humanos.
A nivel mundial se han elaborado 251 vacunas las cuales solo 10 pasaron a la fase tres de estudios en los seres humanos. Una vez llegada la vacuna muchos estaban a la espera de ellas y por la otra parte estaban en contra, pero cabe recalcar que las personas inmunizadas, al momento de contraer el virus fue menos grave, inclusive las que no contaban con sus dosis llegaron a perder la vida
Hoy en día a nivel mundial, solo el 85% de personas están completamente vacunadas contra el COVID-19. En Perú solo el 75% cuenta con la primera dosis. Mucho de las personas no creen en esta vacuna y hay una desconfianza grande por falta de información, creencias, etc., esto va a depender más que nada del gobierno para que se revierta, con estrategias bien planteadas y poder conseguir que toda la población este inmunizada y así poder evitar también que estas personas se vean afectadas por tantas restricciones que dictamino el Estado y que muchas de ellas no están de acuerdo porque faltan a sus derechos constitucionales ,así como la libertad de conciencia , religión, etc.
En este trabajo presentaremos como comenzó esta pandemia tanto internacional como nacional y como sigue en la actualidad, también veremos cada derecho que se está vulnerando de la persona, que leyes, decretos, impedimentos ha dictaminado el gobierno peruano, también veremos las recomendaciones que podrían ser de ayuda, para llegar a las personas no vacunadas.
SARS-CoV-2 is one of seven existing coronaviruses, only three of which cause fatal pneumonia in humans. Worldwide, 251 vaccines have been developed, of which only 10 have passed to phase three of studies in humans. Once the vaccine arrived, many were waiting for them and on the other hand they were against it, but it should be emphasized that immunized people, at the time of contracting the virus, were less serious, even those who did not have their doses lost life Globally today, only 85% of people are fully vaccinated against COVID-19. In Peru only 75% have the first dose. Many people do not believe in this vaccine and there is great distrust due to lack of information, beliefs, etc. This will depend more than anything on the government to reverse it, with well-planned strategies and to be able to ensure that the entire population is immunized and thus be able to also prevent these people from being affected by so many restrictions that the State dictated and that many of them do not agree with because they violate their constitutional rights, as well as freedom of conscience, religion, etc. In this work we will present how this international and national pandemic began and how it continues today, we will also see each person's right that is being violated, what laws, decrees, impediments the Peruvian government has ruled, we will also see the recommendations that could be help, to reach unvaccinated people.
SARS-CoV-2 is one of seven existing coronaviruses, only three of which cause fatal pneumonia in humans. Worldwide, 251 vaccines have been developed, of which only 10 have passed to phase three of studies in humans. Once the vaccine arrived, many were waiting for them and on the other hand they were against it, but it should be emphasized that immunized people, at the time of contracting the virus, were less serious, even those who did not have their doses lost life Globally today, only 85% of people are fully vaccinated against COVID-19. In Peru only 75% have the first dose. Many people do not believe in this vaccine and there is great distrust due to lack of information, beliefs, etc. This will depend more than anything on the government to reverse it, with well-planned strategies and to be able to ensure that the entire population is immunized and thus be able to also prevent these people from being affected by so many restrictions that the State dictated and that many of them do not agree with because they violate their constitutional rights, as well as freedom of conscience, religion, etc. In this work we will present how this international and national pandemic began and how it continues today, we will also see each person's right that is being violated, what laws, decrees, impediments the Peruvian government has ruled, we will also see the recommendations that could be help, to reach unvaccinated people.
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Discipline: Derecho
Grade or title grantor: Universidad Peruana de Las Américas. Facultad de Derecho
Grade or title: Abogado
Juror: Sialer Niquen, Carlos Alberto; Castro Eguavil, Jose Carlos; Serna Santos, Yacky
Register date: 4-Jul-2022; 4-Jul-2022
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