Bibliographic citations
Yanayaco, C., (2022). El comercio informal y la evasión tributaria de los comerciantes del mercado rescate en Cercado de Lima, 2021 [Universidad Peruana de Las Américas].
Yanayaco, C., El comercio informal y la evasión tributaria de los comerciantes del mercado rescate en Cercado de Lima, 2021 []. PE: Universidad Peruana de Las Américas; 2022.
title = "El comercio informal y la evasión tributaria de los comerciantes del mercado rescate en Cercado de Lima, 2021",
author = "Yanayaco Mija, Consuelo",
publisher = "Universidad Peruana de Las Américas",
year = "2022"
The general objective of this research was to determine the relationship between Informal Commerce and Tax Evasion of the traders of the Rescate Street Market in Cercado de Lima, Year 2021. In turn, the established hypothesis indicates that there is a significant relationship between informal commerce and tax evasion of the traders of the Rescate market in Cercado de Lima 2021. The methodology applied to this research was of quantitative approach, type of basic research of correlational level the population; apart, the sample was constituted by 45 traders of the mentioned market, to whom a questionnaire of 28 questions of Likert scale was applied. Having said this, after executing the instrument, the hypothesis proposed by the researcher could be proved, giving a value of r=0.989, which is a high and positive correlation.
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