Bibliographic citations
Jiménez, Y., (2024). Informe jurídico sobre la Resolución N° 124-2022-OSGSE/ DSHL: Las instalaciones inactivas en el artículo 217 del Reglamento de Actividades de Exploración y Explotación de Hidrocarburos [Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú].
Jiménez, Y., Informe jurídico sobre la Resolución N° 124-2022-OSGSE/ DSHL: Las instalaciones inactivas en el artículo 217 del Reglamento de Actividades de Exploración y Explotación de Hidrocarburos []. PE: Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú; 2024.
title = "Informe jurídico sobre la Resolución N° 124-2022-OSGSE/ DSHL: Las instalaciones inactivas en el artículo 217 del Reglamento de Actividades de Exploración y Explotación de Hidrocarburos",
author = "Jiménez Arrieta, Yoel Josafat",
publisher = "Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú",
year = "2024"
This research work is developed within an Administrative Sanctioning Procedure initiated by the Energy and Mining Regulatory Agency of Peru to the oil company Pacific Stratus Energy S.A., later named Frontera Energy del Perú S.A., in its capacity as operator of Block 192, after verifying the alleged non-compliance with the obligation contained in article 217 of the “Reglamento de Actividades de Exploración y Explotación de Hidrocarburos”, corresponding to the removal of an inactive installation, referred to the 12' discharge line of the Batería Capahuari Sur located in its area of operation. In this regard, we analyze mainly the regulatory agency performance in the procedure and the assignment of responsibility to the economic agent. For this purpose, two secondary aspects are developed that help to elucidate the main controversy. Firstly, the respective legal classification of the offence and its delimitation are examined. Secondly, lack of analysis by the authority on the possible qualification of the installation as a hydrocarbon environmental liability is reflected upon. Finally, it will be verified whether the regulator acted within the applicable legal framework based on the revision of the principles of administrative procedure and the sanctioning power of the Administration contained in the “Ley del Procedimiento Administrativo General”.
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