Bibliographic citations
Trigoso, C., (2022). La Educación Matemática Realista en la enseñanza de la adición y sustracción en primer grado de Educación Primaria [Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú].
Trigoso, C., La Educación Matemática Realista en la enseñanza de la adición y sustracción en primer grado de Educación Primaria []. PE: Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú; 2022.
title = "La Educación Matemática Realista en la enseñanza de la adición y sustracción en primer grado de Educación Primaria",
author = "Trigoso Sanchez de Zevallos, Carmen Esperanza",
publisher = "Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú",
year = "2022"
The interest of this work arises from the results of the national evaluations in the area of mathematics, applied by the Ministry of Education of Peru to students of Primary Education until 2019. The data shows that only 17% of 2nd grade students reach the expected level in the area. This makes it necessary to propose an approach to teaching mathematics for the primary level, which favors the achievement of the expected learning. Therefore, the objective of this study is to describe the principles of Realistic Mathematics Education and its application in the teaching of addition and subtraction with 6-year-old children in the first grade of primary education. The methodology of the study is qualitative, with a documentary method through the search for information about Realistic Mathematical Education and its application in the teaching of addition and subtraction in the first grade of primary school. The importance of the study lies in showing an approach to teaching mathematics with theoretical support, as is the case of Realistic Mathematical Education, which is one of the sources that nourishes the focus on solving problems in the area of mathematics of the normative documents of the Ministry of Education of Peru, such as the National Curriculum and the Primary Education Curriculum Program. The main conclusions emphasize the six principles of Realistic Mathematics Education that support and organize the process of teaching mathematics and constitute a theoretical support that systematizes teaching practice.
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