Bibliographic citations
Quispe, A., (2023). Un análisis respecto al uso de las redes sociales, durante la jornada laboral, en los equipos electrónicos brindados por el empleador a los trabajadores [Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú].
Quispe, A., Un análisis respecto al uso de las redes sociales, durante la jornada laboral, en los equipos electrónicos brindados por el empleador a los trabajadores []. PE: Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú; 2023.
title = "Un análisis respecto al uso de las redes sociales, durante la jornada laboral, en los equipos electrónicos brindados por el empleador a los trabajadores",
author = "Quispe Rojo, Ana Paula",
publisher = "Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú",
year = "2023"
In the last years technology has had a great advance, giving way to the creation of various types of social networks; likewise, this advance has not been alien to the labor field, which has generated the implementation of various technological mechanisms, such as electronic equipment, which have access to various social networks. This generates situations of conflict between the employer and the workers, because it must be verified that the employer can exercise its supervisory power in the electronic equipment involved in the development of the business in order to verify that they are being used properly, without this entailing the violation of the right to privacy of the worker. This academic article intends to evaluate whether the employer may or may not exercise its supervisory power over the electronic equipment provided to the employee for the performance of his duties. Thus, and in order to arrive at such answer, it is intended to develop the different social networks and their implication in the labor relationship; the regulatory power as a mechanism to avoid violating the employee's right to privacy; and, finally, the supervisory power and sanction with respect to the faults committed by the employee. Finally, by means of interpretative methods of doctrine, legislation, and jurisprudence, it is concluded that the employer can exercise this supervisory power over electronic equipment, provided that certain assumptions regarding the regulatory power have been previously met.
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