Bibliographic citations
Chapilliquen, M., (2016). Competencias digitales en estudiantes con diferentes estilos de aprendizaje, del séptimo ciclo de educación secundaria, desarrolladas a través de la red social educativa Edmodo en una institución educativa pública de la Unidad de Gestión Educativa Local N° 03, el año 2015 [Tesis, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú].
Chapilliquen, M., Competencias digitales en estudiantes con diferentes estilos de aprendizaje, del séptimo ciclo de educación secundaria, desarrolladas a través de la red social educativa Edmodo en una institución educativa pública de la Unidad de Gestión Educativa Local N° 03, el año 2015 [Tesis]. PE: Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú; 2016.
title = "Competencias digitales en estudiantes con diferentes estilos de aprendizaje, del séptimo ciclo de educación secundaria, desarrolladas a través de la red social educativa Edmodo en una institución educativa pública de la Unidad de Gestión Educativa Local N° 03, el año 2015",
author = "Chapilliquen Rodríguez, Mónica Gladys",
publisher = "Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú",
year = "2016"
The main purpose of this study is to determine the level of digital literacy in students with different learning styles, from the seventh cycle of high school education, through educational social network Edmodo in a public school in Lima, UGEL 03. Initially, the study is contextualized through the description of the network society in the context of technological paradigm, emphasizing the contributions it receives from learning theories. Then it identifies conceptual aspects of learning styles and the need to consider them when planning the curriculum. Similarly, the issue of digital skills is discussed as well as new communication environments in education. In this regard, this study shows the usage of educational social network Edmodo as a form of integration of information and communication technologies in the classroom. This study is framed within the positivist paradigm, quantitative approach, explanatory level and quasi-experimental design, with pretest and posttest of both experimental and control groups because it will explain the effect of using the educational social network Edmodo in achieving digital competences in students with different learning styles. For this study, a sample of 162 students from the 3rd, 4th and 5th grade was used. They were divided into control group (80 students) and experimental group (82 students) on the basis of a survey on their accessibility to Internet from their households. The experimental group was applied with the intervention plan in a face to face course. It means that the students were prepared in the use of digital tools and the social network for 2 weeks, so they could developed 24 training sessions. Finally, many activities were proposed in the educational social network Edmodo, but virtually. The learning styles questionnaire was applied to the experimental group and control group at the beginning of the experience; whereas digital competences questionnaire was applied to both groups at the beginning and also at the end of it. The learning styles questionnaire, allowed to place students in one of the following eight trends: active - reflective, sensory - intuitive, visual - verbal and sequential - global. On the other hand, the digital skills questionnaire was analyzed from the following five aspects: knowledge of digital tools, use of digital tools, access and processing of digital information, ethics in the use of digital information and communication in different digital formats. The results showed that the level of development of digital skills acquired by students with different learning styles in the experimental group in the post test, reaches middle and upper levels. Furthermore, this result differs significantly from the level of digital skills presented by the same group in the pretest, which reaches low, middle and upper levels. This means that the use of educational social network Edmodo improves levels of digital competence. It should be emphasized that after the application of this experience, no students met the low level of digital literacy. That is a good statistically evidence because it shows the positive effect of using educational social network Edmodo.
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