Bibliographic citations
Mendoza, J., (2023). Facebook como plataforma principal de la estrategia comunicacional de las organizaciones ambientalistas. Caso: Acuerdo de Escazú [Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú].
Mendoza, J., Facebook como plataforma principal de la estrategia comunicacional de las organizaciones ambientalistas. Caso: Acuerdo de Escazú []. PE: Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú; 2023.
title = "Facebook como plataforma principal de la estrategia comunicacional de las organizaciones ambientalistas. Caso: Acuerdo de Escazú",
author = "Mendoza Vargas, Johana Estefany",
publisher = "Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú",
year = "2023"
This investigation focuses on analyzing the communication strategy implemented by environmental youth organizations on Facebook to encourage spaces to discuss the Escazú Agreement in the Congress of the Republic between August and October 2020. The Escazú Agreement is a regional trade agreement in Latin America and the Caribbean which strengthens the rights of access to information, citizen participation and access to justice in environmental matters. It is also the first treaty that provides an appropriate environment for the protection of environmental defenders. In the case of Peru, the treaty negotiation stage included broad participation by representatives of the State, indigenous organizations and civil society. Therefore, the Minister of the Environment signed the treaty in 2018 and in 2019 the legislative project for the ratification of the Agreement entered the Congress of the Republic. Despite the political context, socio-environmental conflicts and the increase in murders of people defending territories, the debate of the regional treaty in our country was not prioritized until mid2020, in the framework of the health emergency due to COVID-19. Consequently, about 30 environmental youth organizations decided to carry out a communication strategy on Facebook. For this reason, it is important to analyze the messages sent through this network in order to know which contents of the communication strategy favored and disfavored the impact of the ratification of the treaty. The communication strategy of environmental youth organizations in the case of the Escazú Agreement is a communication phenomenon that should be analyzed under a critical approach, linked to various factors and told from their own voices. At the end of 2020, the Foreign Affairs Commission debated the Escazú Agreement through 13 sessions, which ended up making the majority decision of the Commission to reject the ratification of the agreement and to file the draft legislative resolution presented by the Executive Branch. Nevertheless, environmental youth organizations were invited to participate in one of the Commission's sessions. This study will allow highlighting the work of youth organizations as agents of social transformation, as well as being a communicational reference for other initiatives in the future.
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