Bibliographic citations
Nuñez, D., (2024). Mejora en la producción energética de un módulo fotovoltaico bifacial vertical mediante la implementación de reflectores fijos de aluminio [Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú].
Nuñez, D., Mejora en la producción energética de un módulo fotovoltaico bifacial vertical mediante la implementación de reflectores fijos de aluminio []. PE: Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú; 2024.
title = "Mejora en la producción energética de un módulo fotovoltaico bifacial vertical mediante la implementación de reflectores fijos de aluminio",
author = "Nuñez Rishmawi, David Elias",
publisher = "Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú",
year = "2024"
In the year 2020, just over 50 billion tons of CO2eq were produced across various industries. 12.2 billion of these were the result of various electrical generation processes. This means that 24.14% of the world’s equivalent CO2 emissions are the result of the generation of electrical energy. In light of this, one of the most important advances for emission control is the use of renewable energies, with solar energy being one of its main strongholds. Currently, monofacial panels are the most common in the photovoltaic industry. However, according to the 2023 report by the International Technology Roadmap for Photovoltaic (ITRPV), the market share of Bifacial (BF) PV Modules in 2023 is about 35% and is expected to increase to 70% by 2033. Additionally, bifacial PV modules have opened new possibilities for installations in vertical positions facing East-West and enhancing the albedo through reflectors. This latter configuration is of particular interest to the emerging field of agrivoltaics. There is little published research on the energy yield of bifacial modules at low-latitude sites, and nothing has been published yet for Lima, Peru. This work contributes to amending this lack of knowledge, seeking to optimize a vertically installed BF (VBF) arrangement that points East-West instead of the usual convention of inclined BF modules facing North in the southern hemisphere. Adding fixed reflectors attached to both sides of the arrangement yielded higher irradiances received by a photovoltaic module and its subsequent power conversion. Optical simulation software Tonatiuh and bifacial_radiance were used to estimate the irradiance gains through the reflectors for different configurations. In the subsequent experimental work, reflectance measurements of different materials in a spectrophotometer were used to design the best possible reflectors. Once this was done, an arrangement containing a VBF was used, along with two adjacent pyranometers, to take measurements of received irradiance and generated power through I-V curves on a control day without reflectors. Subsequently, two aluminum reflectors were implemented on each side of the arrangement to contrast these measurements with the control results. This process was carried out by analyzing the irradiance and power gains through the reflectors for typical cloudy and sunny days to find out if there was a significant difference in the improvement of energy production between these days. The results indicate that, after adjusting for GHI variability and compared to the control days without the reflectors, the installed pyranometers perceived an average of 59% more irradiance on sunny days and 32% more on cloudy days. Likewise, using the I-V Curves of the module, a considerable improvement of an average of 39% greater maximum power delivery for sunny days and 21% on cloudy days could be observed.
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