Bibliographic citations
Rosas, R., (2022). Estudio de caso de una niña de cuatro años con dificultades en los procesos comprensivo y expresivo del lenguaje [Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú].
Rosas, R., Estudio de caso de una niña de cuatro años con dificultades en los procesos comprensivo y expresivo del lenguaje []. PE: Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú; 2022.
title = "Estudio de caso de una niña de cuatro años con dificultades en los procesos comprensivo y expresivo del lenguaje",
author = "Rosas Yamunaque, Regina Victoria",
publisher = "Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú",
year = "2022"
There are many cases of children who, currently, have some difficulty in their language, which generates great concern, since this has an impact on their social and school development. That is why studies on the development of language in children from the first years of life are truly fundamental. The aim of this case study is to design an assessment and intervention plan according to the needs of a 4 year-old girl 6 months old with difficulties in the comprehension and expressive processes of language. In this sense, after a systematic process of assessment, planning and intervention, the results show that the girl achieved advances in comprenhensive vocabulary, in the elements of the semantic categories of food and toys, as well as in the verbalization of some elements of the food category. However, no progress was made in understanding questions or producing phrases or simple sentences. In conclusión, the intervention plan applied allowed the girl to achieve progress in the comprenhensive process and the semantic lexical component, leaving as pending work other contents of the same component, and the work with the other three.
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