Bibliographic citations
Huamán, J., (2018). La conveniencia de aplicar un enfoque responsivo para el cumplimiento de obligaciones en materia de servicios públicos de telecomunicaciones [Tesis, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú].
Huamán, J., La conveniencia de aplicar un enfoque responsivo para el cumplimiento de obligaciones en materia de servicios públicos de telecomunicaciones [Tesis]. PE: Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú; 2018.
title = "La conveniencia de aplicar un enfoque responsivo para el cumplimiento de obligaciones en materia de servicios públicos de telecomunicaciones",
author = "Huamán Sánchez, Jorge Luis",
publisher = "Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú",
year = "2018"
This research identifies that the dominant Enforcement strategy applied by the Peruvian Telecommunications Regulatory Agency (OSIPTEL) is deterrent (Deterrent approach), a strategy that has as its main characteristic that punishment is the most effective way to achieve a change of the offender’s behavior. In this context, the stitches fit into the possibility of opting for strategies (without neglecting the exercise of the regulator's sanitary energy when appropriate) that allow the opening of the regulator that solves noncompliance from a gradual scheme, starting from A persuasive position so that when it is necessary to exercise punitive power, it is strongly exercised, but only in cases where other mechanisms of understanding have been overcome. We consider in this line that the important thing is not to have a high amount of supervisions that result in sanction records, but that the existing files are of great impact for the society and the market of the telecommunications. The reason is that the importance of timely resolving a case regarding public services should not be lost sight of. Understand resolving not as a synonym for sanction, but as synonymous to repair, correct or regenerate. If the only way we have is to sanction, and it is better, in our opinion, focus on the processes in which we have the most evidence (undoubted certainty, if you will), generated mainly from research minutiae and systematic, and those born in the style of repeated games; And that will have a big impact on the industry. From our point of view, through the application of a Responsive Regulation, the Regulator can achieve efficiency in economic terms, the efficiency in the fulfillment of the obligations to which the operating companies are subjected in a timely context (the problem which affect the public service are solved in the shortest possible time); Thus, the Regulator focuses on ensuring that the Regulated Agent ensures the provision of the services provided within the terms in which it is obliged, in an expected time, to grant a set of gradual opportunities to the alleged offending agent in order to correct, compensate Or remedy its noncompliance, applying the current rules of the Single Ordered Text of the General Administrative Procedure Law and the current rules of the sector. To this end, a pyramid is proposed that begins with the implementation of persuasive mechanisms, such as tables of dialogues and transactions, and culminates, at the apex, with the withdrawal of the concession or the reduction of the years in its renewal, according to the case of the sea. Also, it is an investment company, where every positive conduct of the company, granting regulatory advantages in the telecommunications market.
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