Bibliographic citations
Montes, A., Miranda, G., Ochoa, L., Rojas, Y. (2023). Modelo ProLab: exprimidor, herramienta de gestión y productividad para los freelancers de las industrias creativas y culturales [Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú].
Montes, A., Miranda, G., Ochoa, L., Rojas, Y. Modelo ProLab: exprimidor, herramienta de gestión y productividad para los freelancers de las industrias creativas y culturales []. PE: Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú; 2023.
title = "Modelo ProLab: exprimidor, herramienta de gestión y productividad para los freelancers de las industrias creativas y culturales",
author = "Rojas Saenz, Yesenia Helen",
publisher = "Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú",
year = "2023"
This business model proposal addresses a relevant social problem faced by freelancers in the creative and cultural industries in Latin America. It has been identified that many creative ventures fail due to difficulties related to the management of the professional activity, especially in administrative, financial and strategic planning areas. To solve this problem, we propose the development of a management and productivity tool called Exprimidor. The product is a software as a service (SaaS) that allows users to access it from anywhere through a mobile application or a website. The main objective of Exprimidor is to reduce the time spent on administrative activities, allowing users to focus more on creative work. In addition, it seeks to increase professional competitiveness through the use of management and productivity tools. The business proposal has been validated through a prototype by means of experiments and usability tests with potential users. The target market in Latin America is estimated to consist of 1'200,000 creative freelancers in areas such as graphic design, fashion design, 2D animation, photography, urban art, visual arts, cultural management, journalism, music production, film, marketing and advertising. In terms of financial viability, an initial investment of $234,000 USD is considered. Five-year projections indicate a net present value of $1'028,000 USD and an internal rate of return of 81 %. In addition, a social net present value of $902,000 USD is estimated, demonstrating a positive impact on the fulfillment of Sustainable Development Goal 8, with a social relevance index of 75 %. In conclusion, the business model proposal is considered executable as it meets the criteria of desirability, feasibility, viability, and sustainability.
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