Bibliographic citations
Alarcón, A., (2023). Despido nulo por embarazo y maternidad: análisis de la protección reforzada de la trabajadora y su incidencia en la carga probatoria [Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú].
Alarcón, A., Despido nulo por embarazo y maternidad: análisis de la protección reforzada de la trabajadora y su incidencia en la carga probatoria []. PE: Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú; 2023.
title = "Despido nulo por embarazo y maternidad: análisis de la protección reforzada de la trabajadora y su incidencia en la carga probatoria",
author = "Alarcón Ramírez, Alfonso Daniel",
publisher = "Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú",
year = "2023"
This research proposes an analysis of the causes that have given rise to the presence of reinforced protection in the labour sphere in favour of pregnant workers and working mothers. Among these safeguards, emphasis has been placed on protection against dismissal of the pregnant worker, which converges with other traditional labour law institutions such as job stability and the burden of proof. In addition, various instruments, both domestic and international, that deal with this issue have been presented. Regarding the conclusions, the existence of various causes that have given rise to the aforementioned protection, such as the historical exclusion of women in the workplace due to gender factors and the criminalisation of maternity in the access to and exit from labour relations, is accredited. In the same sense, the importance and the legislative manifestations that have been granted, such as the null dismissal due to pregnancy and the reversal of evidence, are also highlighted.
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