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Tubilla, C., Ticona, F., Salas, M., Córdova, J. (2024). Business consulting para la empresa Mausaa S.A. [Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú].
Tubilla, C., Ticona, F., Salas, M., Córdova, J. Business consulting para la empresa Mausaa S.A. []. PE: Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú; 2024.
title = "Business consulting para la empresa Mausaa S.A.",
author = "Córdova Salazar, José Miguel",
publisher = "Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú",
year = "2024"
Title: Business consulting para la empresa Mausaa S.A.
Authors(s): Tubilla Palomino, Carmen del Rosario; Ticona Apaza, Fiorela Candy; Salas Tejada, María Angela; Córdova Salazar, José Miguel
Advisor(s): Arana Barbier, Pablo José
Keywords: Consultores de empresas--Planificación estratégica; Industria de la construcción--Administración
OCDE field:
Issue Date: 15-Aug-2024
Institution: Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
Abstract: Con el inicio de la pandemia en el 2020, el rubro de la construcción decayó su producción,
con el estado de emergencia en ese periodo donde se paralizaron las obras y se presentaron
problemas de abastecimiento de materiales de construcción, lo cual se reflejó hasta casi la 4ta
semana de haber iniciado la inmovilización en el país.
El índice previo a la cuarentena reportaba un crecimiento del 7 y 8% de crecimiento año tras
año, generando en este sector mayor oferta, lo que ha conllevado a las empresas a ser más
competitivas, implementar tecnología en sus procesos, maquinarias, y contar con personal
calificado. Mausaa S.A. tiene como objetivo poder lograr un aumento de la rentabilidad de
los proyectos y en nivel de facturación que permitirá poder competir por mayores montos
adjudicables en proyectos privados y públicos. No obstante, presenta una problemática clara
de la disminución de la rentabilidad que aborda a toda la empresa. Ante esta situación se
propone implementar proyectos de generación de objetivos estratégicos y balanced
scorecard, reingeniería de procesos y automatización, mejora continua en los procesos y un
plan de comunicación externa que solucione las principales causas de la problemática para
lograr los objetivos organizacionales y mejorar contribuyendo a una posición competitiva en
el mercado de construcción.
With the start of the pandemic in 2020, the construction sector's production decreased, with the state of emergency in that period where the works were paralyzed and problems with the supply of construction materials arose, which was reflected until almost the 4th week of having begun the immobilization in the country. The pre-quarantine index reported a growth of 7 and 8% year after year, generating greater supply in this sector, which has led companies to be more competitive, implement technology in their processes, machinery, and have qualified personnel. Mausaa S.A. Its objective is to achieve an increase in the profitability of the projects and in the level of billing that will allow it to compete for greater awardable amounts in private and public projects. However, it presents a clear problem of decrease in profitability that addresses the entire company. Given this situation, it is proposed to implement projects of generating strategic objectives and Balanced Scorecard, process reengineering and automation, continuous improvement in processes and an external communication plan that solves the main causes of the problem to achieve organizational objectives and improve, contributing to a competitive position in the construction market.
With the start of the pandemic in 2020, the construction sector's production decreased, with the state of emergency in that period where the works were paralyzed and problems with the supply of construction materials arose, which was reflected until almost the 4th week of having begun the immobilization in the country. The pre-quarantine index reported a growth of 7 and 8% year after year, generating greater supply in this sector, which has led companies to be more competitive, implement technology in their processes, machinery, and have qualified personnel. Mausaa S.A. Its objective is to achieve an increase in the profitability of the projects and in the level of billing that will allow it to compete for greater awardable amounts in private and public projects. However, it presents a clear problem of decrease in profitability that addresses the entire company. Given this situation, it is proposed to implement projects of generating strategic objectives and Balanced Scorecard, process reengineering and automation, continuous improvement in processes and an external communication plan that solves the main causes of the problem to achieve organizational objectives and improve, contributing to a competitive position in the construction market.
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Discipline: Administración de Negocios
Grade or title grantor: Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. CENTRUM
Grade or title: Maestro en Administración de Negocios
Juror: Arana Barbier, Pablo José
Register date: 15-Aug-2024
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