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Gaspar, R., (2023). Expediente 00853-2015-PA/TC (Caso Hermanas Cieza vs. UGEL-Utcubamba) [Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú].
Gaspar, R., Expediente 00853-2015-PA/TC (Caso Hermanas Cieza vs. UGEL-Utcubamba) []. PE: Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú; 2023.
title = "Expediente 00853-2015-PA/TC (Caso Hermanas Cieza vs. UGEL-Utcubamba)",
author = "Gaspar Clavo, Rubiela Alexandra",
publisher = "Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú",
year = "2023"
Title: Expediente 00853-2015-PA/TC (Caso Hermanas Cieza vs. UGEL-Utcubamba)
Authors(s): Gaspar Clavo, Rubiela Alexandra
Advisor(s): Gonzales Mantilla, Gorki Yuri
Keywords: Derecho a la educación--Jurisprudencia--Perú; Educación rural--Perú--Utcubamba (Amazonas : Provincia); Derechos de la mujer--Perú
OCDE field:
Issue Date: 8-Aug-2023
Institution: Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
Abstract: El presente trabajo centra su análisis en el Caso Hermanas Cieza y la
sentencia emitida por el Tribunal Constitucional (Exp.00853-2015-PA/TC). A
partir de ello, se abordan los problemas de forma y, en mayor medida, los de
fondo, donde se concentra la complejidad del caso. Los derechos cuestionados
en el caso son igualdad y educación. Respecto al primero, se afirma que el
Tribunal no debió aplicar el test de igualdad, pues, con respecto a la
demandada UGEL-Utcubamba, se trata de un caso de discriminación por
indiferenciación, así como indirecta. Asimismo, el déficit de accesibilidad y
disponibilidad del servicio educativo rural identificado en la sentencia se debió
explicar a partir de un análisis sobre discriminación interseccional y estructural.
Por tanto, la UGEL-Utcubamba vulneró el derecho a la igualdad de las
recurrentes. En consecuencia, el Tribunal debió evaluar en el fondo este
principio-derecho. Respecto a la educación, la UGEL-Utcubamba vulneró este
porque su rechazo a la solicitud de las demandantes de reconocer sus
matrículas en un CEBR, en lugar de un CEBA, impidió su acceso al servicio
educativo. Además, el caso da cuenta de que las instituciones estatales no han
cumplido con asegurar las condiciones mínimas del servicio educativo rural.
Finalmente, en el trabajo se afirma que la declaración del ECI por parte del
Tribunal fue correcta, porque se cumplieron los requisitos para su dictado y
porque sirve como una medida de reconocimiento.
This paper focuses its analysis on the Cieza Sisters Case and the judgment issued by the Constitutional Court (Exp.00853-2015-PA/TC). From this, it addresses the problems of form and, to a greater extent, those of substance, where the complexity of the case is concentrated. The rights challenged in the case are equality and education. Regarding the former, it is argued that the Court should not have applied the equality test, since, with respect to the defendant UGEL-Utcubamba, it is a case of discrimination by indifference, as well as indirect discrimination. Likewise, the deficit of accessibility and availability of the rural educational service identified in the judgment should have been explained on the basis of an analysis of intersectional and structural discrimination. Therefore, the UGEL-Utcubamba violated the appellants' right to equality. Consequently, the Court should have evaluated this principle-right on the merits. With respect to education, the UGEL-Utcubamba violated this right because its rejection of the plaintiffs' request to recognize their enrollment in a CEBR, instead of a CEBA, prevented their access to educational services. In addition, the case shows that state institutions have failed to ensure the minimum conditions for rural educational services. Finally, the paper affirms that the Court's declaration of the ECI was correct, because the requirements for its issuance were met and because it serves as a measure of recognition.
This paper focuses its analysis on the Cieza Sisters Case and the judgment issued by the Constitutional Court (Exp.00853-2015-PA/TC). From this, it addresses the problems of form and, to a greater extent, those of substance, where the complexity of the case is concentrated. The rights challenged in the case are equality and education. Regarding the former, it is argued that the Court should not have applied the equality test, since, with respect to the defendant UGEL-Utcubamba, it is a case of discrimination by indifference, as well as indirect discrimination. Likewise, the deficit of accessibility and availability of the rural educational service identified in the judgment should have been explained on the basis of an analysis of intersectional and structural discrimination. Therefore, the UGEL-Utcubamba violated the appellants' right to equality. Consequently, the Court should have evaluated this principle-right on the merits. With respect to education, the UGEL-Utcubamba violated this right because its rejection of the plaintiffs' request to recognize their enrollment in a CEBR, instead of a CEBA, prevented their access to educational services. In addition, the case shows that state institutions have failed to ensure the minimum conditions for rural educational services. Finally, the paper affirms that the Court's declaration of the ECI was correct, because the requirements for its issuance were met and because it serves as a measure of recognition.
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Discipline: Derecho
Grade or title grantor: Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Facultad de Derecho.
Grade or title: Abogado
Juror: Morales Luna, Félix Francisco; Ancí Paredes, Noemí Cecilia
Register date: 8-Aug-2023
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