Bibliographic citations
Apaza, P., (2022). La configuración del hostigamiento sexual y la proporcionalidad de la sanción administrativa disciplinaria aplicada en el sector público: A propósito de la Resolución No. 1162-2021-SERVIR/TSC-Segunda Sala [Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú].
Apaza, P., La configuración del hostigamiento sexual y la proporcionalidad de la sanción administrativa disciplinaria aplicada en el sector público: A propósito de la Resolución No. 1162-2021-SERVIR/TSC-Segunda Sala []. PE: Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú; 2022.
title = "La configuración del hostigamiento sexual y la proporcionalidad de la sanción administrativa disciplinaria aplicada en el sector público: A propósito de la Resolución No. 1162-2021-SERVIR/TSC-Segunda Sala",
author = "Apaza Vasquez, Pamela Allison",
publisher = "Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú",
year = "2022"
The purpose of this paper is to analyze whether the Civil Service Tribunal, through Resolution No. 1162-2021-SERVIR/TSC-Second Chamber, adequately sanctioned the commission of acts of sexual harassment that occurred in this case. The analysis is based on the study of the elements that make up sexual harassment and its manifestations, an analysis of the grounds developed by the Civil Service Tribunal with respect to the graduation criteria determined by the authorities of the Administrative Disciplinary Procedure, as well as the analysis of the reasonableness criteria that will allow us to verify whether we are faced with a reasonable sanction and, therefore, proportional to the offense committed. Therefore, it was concluded that the Civil Service Tribunal did not carry out an adequate analysis since it did not impose a sanction proportional to the conduct committed, since there were elements that allowed the Tribunal to intensify the misconduct and it decided to ratify the sanction of temporary suspension for one hundred and eighty (180) days. In this sense, considering that the Collegiate did not carry out an adequate analysis, it has been pointed out that other considerations should have been taken into consideration in order to impose an adequate sanction, which in this case is dismissal. In addition, a weighting table is proposed that may serve as a guide to identify the appropriate sanction to impose when an act of sexual harassment has been committed.
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