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More, B., (2024). Informe sobre la Sentencia 78/2022 del Tribunal Constitucional (Exp. 02010-2020-HC/TC) [Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú].
More, B., Informe sobre la Sentencia 78/2022 del Tribunal Constitucional (Exp. 02010-2020-HC/TC) []. PE: Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú; 2024.
title = "Informe sobre la Sentencia 78/2022 del Tribunal Constitucional (Exp. 02010-2020-HC/TC)",
author = "More Valencia, Brenda Elizabeth",
publisher = "Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú",
year = "2024"
Title: Informe sobre la Sentencia 78/2022 del Tribunal Constitucional (Exp. 02010-2020-HC/TC)
Authors(s): More Valencia, Brenda Elizabeth
Advisor(s): Campos Bernal, Heber Joel
Keywords: Fujimori Fujimori, Alberto; Indulto--Perú; Crímenes de lesa humanidad--Perú; Derechos humanos
OCDE field:
Issue Date: 7-Aug-2024
Institution: Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
Abstract: El presente trabajo tiene por finalidad discutir la Sentencia 78/2022 del Tribunal
Constitucional, emitida a raíz de la demanda de habeas corpus interpuesta por
Alberto Fujimori en el Expediente 02010-2020-HC/TC. A través de dicha
sentencia se ordenó anular la Resolución Nº 10 del 3 de octubre de 2018 que
dejó sin efecto el indulto humanitario otorgado a Fujimori por el expresidente
Pedro Pablo Kuczynski en 2017. Se revisa los argumentos esgrimidos por el
colegiado respecto a la competencia del Juzgado Supremo para emitir la
mencionada resolución, los límites de la discrecionalidad presidencial para el
otorgamiento de derechos de gracia y la obligatoriedad de cumplir con las
Resoluciones emitidas por la Corte IDH. En ese sentido, se cuestiona la
suficiencia de los argumentos esgrimidos en la Sentencia en cada uno de los
puntos señalados y el cambio repentino de postura respecto a la integración de
las resoluciones provenientes de tribunales internacionales. Finalmente, se dan
alcances de un análisis que, además de considerar el contexto político en el que
se desarrollaron los hechos, aborda la labor de verificar el adecuado
cumplimiento de los requisitos para el otorgamiento de un indulto, adaptando
estos últimos en la medida que sean necesarios para asegurar la
constitucionalidad y convencionalidad de la decisión.
The purpose of this paper is to discuss Judgement 78/2022 of the Constitutional Tribunal, issued following the habeas corpus petition filed by Alberto Fujimori in Case File 02010-2020-HC/TC. Through this judgement, the annulment of the Resolution Nº 10 of October 3, 2018, which nullified the humanitarian pardon granted to Fujimori by former president Pedro Pablo Kuczynski in 2017, was ordered. This paper reviews the arguments presented by the court regarding the jurisdiction of the Supreme Court to issue said resolution, the limits of presidential discretion in granting such clemency, and the obligation to comply with resolution issued by the Inter-American Court of Human Rights. In that sense, the sufficiency of the arguments presented in the Judgement on each of the indicated points is questioned, as well as the sudden change in stance regarding the incorporation of resolutions from international courts. Finally, this paper provides insight into an analysis that, besides considering the political context in which the events took place, examines the task of verifying the proper fulfillment of the requirements for granting a pardon, adapting these as necessary to ensure both the constitutionality and conventionality of the decision.
The purpose of this paper is to discuss Judgement 78/2022 of the Constitutional Tribunal, issued following the habeas corpus petition filed by Alberto Fujimori in Case File 02010-2020-HC/TC. Through this judgement, the annulment of the Resolution Nº 10 of October 3, 2018, which nullified the humanitarian pardon granted to Fujimori by former president Pedro Pablo Kuczynski in 2017, was ordered. This paper reviews the arguments presented by the court regarding the jurisdiction of the Supreme Court to issue said resolution, the limits of presidential discretion in granting such clemency, and the obligation to comply with resolution issued by the Inter-American Court of Human Rights. In that sense, the sufficiency of the arguments presented in the Judgement on each of the indicated points is questioned, as well as the sudden change in stance regarding the incorporation of resolutions from international courts. Finally, this paper provides insight into an analysis that, besides considering the political context in which the events took place, examines the task of verifying the proper fulfillment of the requirements for granting a pardon, adapting these as necessary to ensure both the constitutionality and conventionality of the decision.
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Discipline: Derecho
Grade or title grantor: Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Facultad de Derecho.
Grade or title: Abogado
Juror: Zafra Ramos, Rita del Pilar Lucila; Campos Bernal, Heber Joel; Cruces Burga, Alberto
Register date: 7-Aug-2024
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