Bibliographic citations
Cerdeira, K., (2019). Aplicación de análisis de flexibilidad de tubería para optimizar el diseño de soportes para transporte de relaves mineros [Trabajo de suficiencia profesional, Universidad Privada del Norte].
Cerdeira, K., Aplicación de análisis de flexibilidad de tubería para optimizar el diseño de soportes para transporte de relaves mineros [Trabajo de suficiencia profesional]. PE: Universidad Privada del Norte; 2019.
title = "Aplicación de análisis de flexibilidad de tubería para optimizar el diseño de soportes para transporte de relaves mineros",
author = "Cerdeira Carpio, Kary Fabiola",
publisher = "Universidad Privada del Norte",
year = "2019"
The purpose of this research project was to analyze and calculate concrete supports and structures along the route of the pipeline of the tailings line of the RELAVES GLOBAL EXPLOITATION PROJECT for mining SHOUXIN PERU S.A. according to the codes, standards, standards and design charges of the current national and international regulations. Likewise, the design criteria of the pipes, concrete and metallic structures established by the mining company have been taken into account. The work consists of four chapters, in the first chapter a description of the problem that leads to the thesis is presented, such as the calculation of supports for a tailings discharge line considering the efforts to which it is subjected, and real situations as background of mining projects carried out with the purpose of demonstrating that the procedures have a valid basis and therefore the obtaining of reliable results. In the second chapter, the theoretical bases are presented to support the study where all the necessary calculations for the optimal design of the supports will be made. In the third chapter the work is developed according to the objectives proposed in this study. To obtain the efforts of the pipeline, the analysis of flexibility in the Caesar II® software, the structural analysis for the system of beams and columns in spreadsheets in Microsoft Excel were performed. It should be noted that geotechnical and climatological measures have been taken, particularly the elevation of the site of the plant, the seismicity of the area and the conditions such as dust, winds and temperatures.
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