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Apaza, C., Bernal, B. (2023). Ansiedad y bienestar psicológico en el personal de un centro de salud ubicado en Bellavista-Callao, 2021 [Tesis, Universidad Privada del Norte].
Apaza, C., Bernal, B. Ansiedad y bienestar psicológico en el personal de un centro de salud ubicado en Bellavista-Callao, 2021 [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Privada del Norte; 2023.
title = "Ansiedad y bienestar psicológico en el personal de un centro de salud ubicado en Bellavista-Callao, 2021",
author = "Bernal Sanchez, Bryann Sebasttia",
publisher = "Universidad Privada del Norte",
year = "2023"
Title: Ansiedad y bienestar psicológico en el personal de un centro de salud ubicado en Bellavista-Callao, 2021
Advisor(s): Casana Jara, Kelly Milagritos
Keywords: Depresión; Aspectos psicológicos; Servicio de salud; Ansiedad; Bienestar psicológico; Dominio del entorno; Autonomía; Anxiety; Psychological well-being; Mastery of the environment
OCDE field:
Issue Date: 13-Jun-2023
Institution: Universidad Privada del Norte
Abstract: Este estudio de investigación aportará conceptos teóricos acerca de las variables a estudiar, instrumentos de medición fiables para otras investigaciones, estrategias promocionales y preventivas que contrarresten la problemática presentada. Partiendo desde esta instancia, la investigación busca determinar la relación entre ansiedad y bienestar psicológico en el personal de salud de un Centro de salud de Bellavista-Callao, 2021. A través de un método deductivo, desde un enfoque cuantitativo de diseño no experimental, de nivel correlacional con una población de 114 trabajadores sanitarios divididos en varones y mujeres, utilizando la totalidad de población para el presente estudio. Se utilizaron los dos instrumentos de medición fiables Escala de ansiedad rango-estado IDARE validado por Bazán (2021) y la Escala de bienestar psicológico de RYFF validado por Pérez (2017), diseñados como formularios. Utilizando el coeficiente de Rho Spearman para hallar la correlación entre ambas variables, los resultados obtenidos arrojan que existe una correlación negativa moderada entre las dimensiones de bienestar psicológico y la variable ansiedad. Por lo tanto, se toma la hipótesis del investigador planteada y se ultima que a mayor bienestar psicológico menor ansiedad y viceversa. Se concluye que la variable ansiedad guarda una relación negativa con todas las dimensiones de bienestar psicológico.
This research study will provide theoretical concepts about the variables to be studied, reliable measurement instruments for other investigations, promotional and preventive strategies that counteract the problems presented. Starting from this instance, the research seeks to determine the relationship between anxiety and psychological well-being in the health personnel of a health center in Bellavista-Callao, 2021. Through a deductive method, from a quantitative approach of non-experimental design, of correlational level with a population of 114 health workers divided into men and women, using the entire population for the present study. The two reliable measurement instruments IDARE range-state anxiety scale validated by Bazán (2021) and the RYFF Psychological Well-Being Scale validated by Pérez (2017), designed as forms, were used. Using the Rho Spearman coefficient to find the correlation between both variables, the results obtained show that there is a moderate negative correlation between the dimensions of psychological well-being and the anxiety variable. Therefore, the researcher's hypothesis is taken, and it is finalized that the greater the psychological well-being, the less anxiety and vice versa. It is concluded that the anxiety variable is negatively related to all dimensions of psychological well-being.
This research study will provide theoretical concepts about the variables to be studied, reliable measurement instruments for other investigations, promotional and preventive strategies that counteract the problems presented. Starting from this instance, the research seeks to determine the relationship between anxiety and psychological well-being in the health personnel of a health center in Bellavista-Callao, 2021. Through a deductive method, from a quantitative approach of non-experimental design, of correlational level with a population of 114 health workers divided into men and women, using the entire population for the present study. The two reliable measurement instruments IDARE range-state anxiety scale validated by Bazán (2021) and the RYFF Psychological Well-Being Scale validated by Pérez (2017), designed as forms, were used. Using the Rho Spearman coefficient to find the correlation between both variables, the results obtained show that there is a moderate negative correlation between the dimensions of psychological well-being and the anxiety variable. Therefore, the researcher's hypothesis is taken, and it is finalized that the greater the psychological well-being, the less anxiety and vice versa. It is concluded that the anxiety variable is negatively related to all dimensions of psychological well-being.
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Discipline: Psicología
Grade or title grantor: Universidad Privada del Norte. Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud
Grade or title: Licenciado en Psicología
Juror: Enciso Ríos, Johnny Erick; Talledo Sanchez, Karim Elisa; Caller Luna, Juan Bautista
Register date: 1-Sep-2023
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