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Pardo, J., (2016). Evaluación de riesgos de seguridad laboral en obras de la Municipalidad Provincial de Chota, 2016 [Tesis, Universidad Privada del Norte].
Pardo, J., Evaluación de riesgos de seguridad laboral en obras de la Municipalidad Provincial de Chota, 2016 [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Privada del Norte; 2016.
title = "Evaluación de riesgos de seguridad laboral en obras de la Municipalidad Provincial de Chota, 2016",
author = "Pardo Nuñez, Juan Carlos",
publisher = "Universidad Privada del Norte",
year = "2016"
Title: Evaluación de riesgos de seguridad laboral en obras de la Municipalidad Provincial de Chota, 2016
Authors(s): Pardo Nuñez, Juan Carlos
Advisor(s): Ravines Azañero, Irene del Rosario
OCDE field:
Issue Date: 3-Oct-2016
Institution: Universidad Privada del Norte
Abstract: RESUMEN
La presente tesis, está referida a los riesgos de seguridad laboral, tiene como propósito evaluar el
nivel de riesgos de seguridad laboral en obras de mejoramiento de caminos vecinales ejecutadas
por la Municipalidad Provincial de Chota en el año 2016. En la investigación se realizó encuestas,
las cuales estuvieron enfocadas en el conocimiento que tienen los trabajadores de las obras que
ejecuta la municipalidad con respecto a normas de seguridad, además de evaluar si la empresa o
entidad encargada de la obra brinda a sus trabajadores equipo de protección personal y algún tipo
de capacitación. Esto de acuerdo al tamaño muestral calculado; estas encuestas fueron aplicadas
al personal obrero y técnico de las obras de mejoramiento de caminos vecinales seleccionadas.
Las encuestas para el personal obrero y técnico constan de 19 y 14 preguntas respectivamente;
se utilizó como instrumento para el procesamiento de los datos recogidos el programa informático
Microsoft Excel. Los resultados demostraron que el personal obrero presenta un nivel de riesgos
en seguridad laboral medio, mientras que en personal técnico presenta un nivel de riesgos en
seguridad laboral bajo.
Finalmente se determinó el resultado general que las obras de la Municipalidad de Chota
presentan un nivel de riesgos de seguridad laboral medio, lo que evidencia que aún se tiene que
seguir implementando la norma G-050 relativa a seguridad, además de contar con mayor
supervisión para su cumplimiento con el fin de alcanzar mejores niveles de conocimiento y
prácticas de seguridad y así disminuir la probabilidad de ocurrencia de accidentes laborales.
ABSTRACT The present thesis referred to the risks that they present in the work, has as intention evaluate the level of risks of job safety in works of improvement of local ways executed by Chota's Provincial Municipality in the year 2016. In research surveys were conducted, which were focused on workers knowledge they have works running the municipality with regard to safety standards, in addition to evaluating whether the company or entity responsible for the work provides its workers personal protective equipment and some training. This according to sample size calculated; these surveys were applied to workers and technical staff works to improve roads selected. Surveys for workers and technical staff consist of 19 and 14 questions respectively; it was used as a tool for processing the collected data the computer program Microsoft Excel. The results showed that workers has a level of job security risks medium, while technical staff has a level of job security low risks. Finally, the overall result was determined that the works of the Municipality of Chota present a level of risk medium job security, evidence that still have to continue implementing the G-050 on security policy in addition to greater and supervision compliance in order to achieve better levels of knowledge and safety practices and thus reduce the likelihood of accidents.
ABSTRACT The present thesis referred to the risks that they present in the work, has as intention evaluate the level of risks of job safety in works of improvement of local ways executed by Chota's Provincial Municipality in the year 2016. In research surveys were conducted, which were focused on workers knowledge they have works running the municipality with regard to safety standards, in addition to evaluating whether the company or entity responsible for the work provides its workers personal protective equipment and some training. This according to sample size calculated; these surveys were applied to workers and technical staff works to improve roads selected. Surveys for workers and technical staff consist of 19 and 14 questions respectively; it was used as a tool for processing the collected data the computer program Microsoft Excel. The results showed that workers has a level of job security risks medium, while technical staff has a level of job security low risks. Finally, the overall result was determined that the works of the Municipality of Chota present a level of risk medium job security, evidence that still have to continue implementing the G-050 on security policy in addition to greater and supervision compliance in order to achieve better levels of knowledge and safety practices and thus reduce the likelihood of accidents.
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Discipline: Ingeniería Civil
Grade or title grantor: Universidad Privada del Norte. Facultad de Ingeniería
Grade or title: Ingeniero Civil
Juror: Aguilar Aliaga, Orlando; De La Torre Ramírez, María Salome; Huamán Tanta, Martha Gladys
Register date: 19-Jun-2017
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