Bibliographic citations
Medina, M., Saavedra, E. (2016). Control interno de inventarios y su incidencia en la utilidad bruta en la empresa Consorcio Ferretería San Luis E.I.R.L, Cajamarca, año 2016 [Tesis, Universidad Privada del Norte].
Medina, M., Saavedra, E. Control interno de inventarios y su incidencia en la utilidad bruta en la empresa Consorcio Ferretería San Luis E.I.R.L, Cajamarca, año 2016 [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Privada del Norte; 2016.
title = "Control interno de inventarios y su incidencia en la utilidad bruta en la empresa Consorcio Ferretería San Luis E.I.R.L, Cajamarca, año 2016",
author = "Saavedra Malca, Erlita",
publisher = "Universidad Privada del Norte",
year = "2016"
ABSTRACT The present Thesis investigation titled „‟The Internal Control of Inventories and its influence on the Gross Profit of the hardware store company Consorcio Ferretería San Luis E.I.R.L‟‟, has the objective of identifying the influence of internal control of inventories on the gross profit of the company. The investigation was done based on the COSO model (Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway), which allowed us to have a better management concerning internal control, as this is a fundamental principle for a company to avoid frauds, reduce risks and have a better dynamic to implement the strategies of inventory control. The information was gathered through the use of compilation techniques like: questionnaires, Verification lists, and „checklists‟; these were applied during a sample period allowing us to obtain precise information on the present condition of the internal control of inventories in the Warehouse area of the company Consorcio Ferretería San Luis E.I.R.L. Likewise, information was compiled on the control of the inventories of the period 2016, which has been analyzed together with the quantified data of the inventories. The investigation concludes that the internal control of inventories influences in a direct manner on the gross profit of the period 2016 of the company Consorcio Ferretería San Luis E.I.R.L, for which improvements are recommended on the different phases of the management of the warehouse that represent 35% on the gross profit, improvements which include the phases from the reception of commodities to the moment in which they exit the inventories. These improvements will help the company have an adequate control and optimize its resources for the obtainment of better results and in the same measure, more reliable information for its elaboration of Financial States. KEYWORDS: internal control, inventories, gross profit, sales and cost of sales.
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