Bibliographic citations
Ortiz, H., Vásquez, S. (2021). Elementos de la responsabilidad administrativa de las entidades financieras que permiten evitar fraudes en las compras por internet [Tesis, Universidad Privada del Norte].
Ortiz, H., Vásquez, S. Elementos de la responsabilidad administrativa de las entidades financieras que permiten evitar fraudes en las compras por internet [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Privada del Norte; 2021.
title = "Elementos de la responsabilidad administrativa de las entidades financieras que permiten evitar fraudes en las compras por internet",
author = "Vásquez Alvarado, Segundo",
publisher = "Universidad Privada del Norte",
year = "2021"
The purpose of this investigation was to identify the elements of administrative responsibility of financial entities that allow avoiding fraud in online purchases, to achieve this purpose a basic investigation was structured in order to build greater knowledge that contributes to the protection of the right to security in the transactions of Internet banking users; It has an explanatory scope and qualitative methods and techniques, such as the systematic review of sources and the data collection technique, on the other hand, the hypothetical deductive method, the analytical-synthetic method, the dogmatic method, the hermeneutic and the argumentative. From which it was obtained as a result that the administrative responsibility of financial entities involves the obligation to register and update business data of companies in the financial system; to immediately communicate to consumers the business data and the purchase made and; to immediately communicate any purchase that does not match consumer behavior patterns.
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