Bibliographic citations
Garcia, G., Rabines, A. (2023). Mejoramiento de la sub rasante de suelos areno arcillosos utilizando 22%, 34% y 48% de conchas de abanico en la zona sur de Lima [Tesis, Universidad Privada del Norte].
Garcia, G., Rabines, A. Mejoramiento de la sub rasante de suelos areno arcillosos utilizando 22%, 34% y 48% de conchas de abanico en la zona sur de Lima [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Privada del Norte; 2023.
title = "Mejoramiento de la sub rasante de suelos areno arcillosos utilizando 22%, 34% y 48% de conchas de abanico en la zona sur de Lima",
author = "Rabines Chavez, Alessandra",
publisher = "Universidad Privada del Norte",
year = "2023"
In the present thesis the tests are carried out with the purpose of improving the subgrade of clayey sandy soils using 22%, 34% and 48% of scallops. For this study, sandy clayey material was located in the southern area of Lima, to which improvement has been made. The extracted sample was taken for analysis in the laboratories of the UPN Breña Headquarters. The tests that were carried out were: Moisture content, Granulometric Analysis by sieving, Limits of consistency, Modified Proctor and CBR (California Bearing Ratio). Then, when finding the CBR of the natural soil, we proceeded to choose the percentages of crushed fan shell to add, which were 22%, 34% and 48%. And with these percentages it was contrasted to be able to observe the behavior of the CBR curve with each one of them. It was observed that with 34% scallops, a maximum CBR value of 16.07% was obtained. Finally, it is concluded that with the use of crushed fan shells an improvement is obtained in sandy clayey soils, therefore, it is possible to use it as a stabilizing material for this type of soil.
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