Bibliographic citations
Cabada, O., Diaz, J. (2023). Aplicación del sistema de iniciación electrónico DigiShot Plus para optimizar la fragmentación de rocas en el proceso de voladura en una empresa minera de Cajamarca - 2022 [Tesis, Universidad Privada del Norte].
Cabada, O., Diaz, J. Aplicación del sistema de iniciación electrónico DigiShot Plus para optimizar la fragmentación de rocas en el proceso de voladura en una empresa minera de Cajamarca - 2022 [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Privada del Norte; 2023.
title = "Aplicación del sistema de iniciación electrónico DigiShot Plus para optimizar la fragmentación de rocas en el proceso de voladura en una empresa minera de Cajamarca - 2022",
author = "Diaz Abanto, Jeisy Jomeiny",
publisher = "Universidad Privada del Norte",
year = "2023"
The purpose of this research is to optimize the fragmentation of rocks in the blasting process by applying the Digishot plus electronic initiation system; in such a way that it brings huge benefits to the mining industry. For the fruitful advance, research has been carried out in the geological area of the area, as well as a bibliographic compilation of different sources on fragmentation and rock masses, also on everything related to blasting; As a sample, the mined bank located at level 3336 of the pit of the mining company under study was taken, with the data obtained it was possible to visualize the great advantage it has before pyrotechnic blasting processes; since a more controlled blasting is obtained, registering control of vibrations, better obtaining of P80, even better swelling; In this way, together with the SANG APU, which was the explosive agent used, they are great allies for the industry since not only is the final cost in the mine significantly optimized, but it also helps to reduce vibration damage to nearby projects or works, at the same time that it reduces environmental and even social impacts in terms of the areas of influence. As conclusions, it was obtained that by applying the DigiShot plus electronic initiation system, better results were achieved in the fragmentation process since it was in accordance with the established standards; also greater control in the stability of slopes and vibrations. On the other hand, it helps us to control times, thus improving production in the mine.
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