Bibliographic citations
Cotrina, V., Diaz, T. (2021). Análisis de los componentes de la oferta exportable de las camisetas deportivas de la empresa Negocios e Inversiones AIRIN S. A. C. con destino a Colombia en el periodo 2017-2018 [Tesis, Universidad Privada del Norte].
Cotrina, V., Diaz, T. Análisis de los componentes de la oferta exportable de las camisetas deportivas de la empresa Negocios e Inversiones AIRIN S. A. C. con destino a Colombia en el periodo 2017-2018 [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Privada del Norte; 2021.
title = "Análisis de los componentes de la oferta exportable de las camisetas deportivas de la empresa Negocios e Inversiones AIRIN S. A. C. con destino a Colombia en el periodo 2017-2018",
author = "Diaz Loarte, Tania Allysson",
publisher = "Universidad Privada del Norte",
year = "2021"
The present investigation titled: “Analysis of the components of the exportable supply of the sports shirts of the business and investment company Airin SAC. destined for Colombia in the period 2017-2018 ”, its objective is to analyze the situation of the components of the exportable supply, such as the physical, financial and administrative management components, little established in the small textile companies of T-shirts; An important sector such as T-shirt textiles has been chosen, as it is the one with the greatest growth trend, because Peru produces the raw material. The study was non-experimental, exploratory research level, with a qualitative approach. The review and compilation of information from secondary sources was carried out, having as an instrument: the Documentary Guide, obtaining as a result the analysis of the components of the exportable offer of the sports shirts of the company Airin SAC. Finally, it was concluded that the Airin SACcompany complies with the capabilities of the exportable offer, firstly having high-end machinery, profitable financial situation and administrative management standards, with this taking into account a better position in the international market.
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