Bibliographic citations
Carranza, G., Gago, J. (2017). Estrategias para reducir el ausentismo laboral injustificado en el área comercial de una empresa retail en Monterrico - Lima: 2015-2017 [Tesis, Universidad Privada del Norte].
Carranza, G., Gago, J. Estrategias para reducir el ausentismo laboral injustificado en el área comercial de una empresa retail en Monterrico - Lima: 2015-2017 [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Privada del Norte; 2017.
title = "Estrategias para reducir el ausentismo laboral injustificado en el área comercial de una empresa retail en Monterrico - Lima: 2015-2017",
author = "Gago Labra, Jhoany Brenda",
publisher = "Universidad Privada del Norte",
year = "2017"
ABSTRACT The purpose of this research is to set strategies to reduce unjustified absenteeism in the commercial departament for a Retail Company, which is a problem that generates losses for both, the worker and the company. Through the company records of the last three years, it was verified that there was a significant increase in absenteeism. Because of this, an interview was performed to the workers who have been absent in the last period of time and the reasons for the unjustified absences were identified. After quantifying the results, the causes with the greatest number of absents were identified. Finding that the highest rate of absents for workers is due to work stress, lack of motivation, and distance. To analyze the reason for absents, a “Survey” was elaborated, where questions about socio- demographic aspects and dichotomous options are detailed. Then, graphics and tables were generated with the results. Based on the problems detected, the workers were coordinated to participate in a “Focus Group” and “Interviews” were performed to the headquarters in order to identify the strategies to be applied to reduce unjustified absences. KEYWORDS: absenteeism, survey, interviews. And focus group.
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