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Cruzado, H., Paredes, J. (2018). Campaña de promoción de valores y la cultura organizacional de una empresa minera del norte del país [Tesis, Universidad Privada del Norte].
Cruzado, H., Paredes, J. Campaña de promoción de valores y la cultura organizacional de una empresa minera del norte del país [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Privada del Norte; 2018.
title = "Campaña de promoción de valores y la cultura organizacional de una empresa minera del norte del país",
author = "Paredes Acuña, Juan Andrés",
publisher = "Universidad Privada del Norte",
year = "2018"
Title: Campaña de promoción de valores y la cultura organizacional de una empresa minera del norte del país
Authors(s): Cruzado Novoa, Humberto Pablo; Paredes Acuña, Juan Andrés
Advisor(s): Obando Peralta, Ena Cecilia
Keywords: Cultura organizacional; Recursos humanos; Valores; Clima organizacional /Clima laboral; Comportamiento organizacional
OCDE field:
Issue Date: 9-Jul-2018
Institution: Universidad Privada del Norte
Abstract: Actualmente las empresas son vistas como comunidades, en las que el factor
humano es indispensable para incrementar su ciclo de vida. Es por ello que las
altas jerarquías organizacionales se preocupan por tener y atraer a los mejores
talentos con la finalidad de mejorar su productividad, sin embargo, al igual que en
una sociedad, es fundamental que los integrantes no sólo realicen una buena labor,
si no que se alineen a los reglamentos, políticas, objetivos, metas y demás
propósitos que se ha propuesto la organización, además de mantener conductas
adecuadas y afines a la misma.
La presente investigación tiene como objetivo, implementar una campaña de
promoción de valores organizacionales en una empresa minera del norte del país,
con la finalidad de consolidar la cultura organizacional y a futuro lograr mejoras en
sus procesos. Como podemos apreciar en el desarrollo del trabajo, éste se inició
aplicando una encuesta para lograr un diagnóstico del conocimiento de los valores
organizacionales, por parte de los colaboradores, así como de las políticas, visión
y misión, luego se procedió a diseñar y posteriormente implementar la campaña,
concluyendo con una nueva evaluación para medir el nivel de conocimiento de los
El conocimiento y puesta en acción de los valores logra un cambio en los procesos
de la empresa y es así que hemos realizado entrevistas a la plana jerárquica, a
nivel operativo (Gerente de Operaciones), a nivel Administrativo (Jefe de Recursos
Humanos) y a nivel de área ejecutora de la campaña (Jefa de Desarrollo
Organizacional), en las que podemos apreciar como este conocimiento y aplicación
de valores ha logrado incrementar el rendimiento de los colaboradores además de
lograr el cumplimiento de los objetivos que la empresa tiene para sus operaciones.
Podemos concluir que la campaña de promoción de valores organizacionales,
logró incrementar, en los colaboradores, el conocimiento y aplicación de los valores
en sus actividades diarias.
Currently, companies are seen as communities, in which the human factor is essential to increase their life cycle. That is why the high organizational hierarchies are concerned about having and attracting the best talent in order to improve their productivity, however, as in a society, it is essential that the members not only do a good job, but also that they align to the regulations, policies, objectives, goals and other purposes that the organization has proposed, in addition to maintaining appropriate and related behaviors to it. The objective of this research is to implement a campaign to promote organizational values in a mining company in the north of the country, in order to consolidate the organizational culture and to achieve future improvements in their processes. As we can see in the development of the work, this was initiated by applying a survey to achieve a diagnosis of the knowledge of organizational values, by the employees, as well as the policies, vision and mission, then proceeded to design and subsequently implement the campaign, concluding with a new evaluation to measure the level of knowledge of the values. The knowledge and putting into action of the values achieves a change in the processes of the company and this is why we have conducted interviews with the hierarchical level, at the operational level (Operations Manager), at the Administrative level (Head of Human Resources) and at the of executing area of the campaign (Head of Organizational Development), in which we can see how this knowledge and application of values has managed to increase the performance of employees in addition to achieving compliance with the objectives that the company has for its operations. We can conclude that the campaign of promotion of organizational values, managed to increase, in the collaborators, the knowledge and application of values in their daily activities.
Currently, companies are seen as communities, in which the human factor is essential to increase their life cycle. That is why the high organizational hierarchies are concerned about having and attracting the best talent in order to improve their productivity, however, as in a society, it is essential that the members not only do a good job, but also that they align to the regulations, policies, objectives, goals and other purposes that the organization has proposed, in addition to maintaining appropriate and related behaviors to it. The objective of this research is to implement a campaign to promote organizational values in a mining company in the north of the country, in order to consolidate the organizational culture and to achieve future improvements in their processes. As we can see in the development of the work, this was initiated by applying a survey to achieve a diagnosis of the knowledge of organizational values, by the employees, as well as the policies, vision and mission, then proceeded to design and subsequently implement the campaign, concluding with a new evaluation to measure the level of knowledge of the values. The knowledge and putting into action of the values achieves a change in the processes of the company and this is why we have conducted interviews with the hierarchical level, at the operational level (Operations Manager), at the Administrative level (Head of Human Resources) and at the of executing area of the campaign (Head of Organizational Development), in which we can see how this knowledge and application of values has managed to increase the performance of employees in addition to achieving compliance with the objectives that the company has for its operations. We can conclude that the campaign of promotion of organizational values, managed to increase, in the collaborators, the knowledge and application of values in their daily activities.
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Discipline: Maestría Ejecutiva en Administración de Empresas
Grade or title grantor: Universidad Privada del Norte. Escuela de Posgrado y Estudios Continuos
Grade or title: Maestro en Administración de Empresas
Register date: 27-Sep-2018
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