Bibliographic citations
Zapata, M., Zelada, V. (2023). Propuesta para la reutilización del agua residual proveniente de la planta de osmosis para disminuir la cantidad de agua desperdiciada en una empresa manufacturera del distrito de Lurin-Lima en el año 2022 [Tesis, Universidad Privada del Norte].
Zapata, M., Zelada, V. Propuesta para la reutilización del agua residual proveniente de la planta de osmosis para disminuir la cantidad de agua desperdiciada en una empresa manufacturera del distrito de Lurin-Lima en el año 2022 [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Privada del Norte; 2023.
title = "Propuesta para la reutilización del agua residual proveniente de la planta de osmosis para disminuir la cantidad de agua desperdiciada en una empresa manufacturera del distrito de Lurin-Lima en el año 2022",
author = "Zelada Soto, Vidal Francisco",
publisher = "Universidad Privada del Norte",
year = "2023"
The main objective of this research work was to raise awareness of the importance of the natural hydrido resource in the quality of life of humanity, looking for a better improvement proposal for the reuse of rejected water from an osmosis plant and to reduce the amount of wasted water in a manufacturing company. The methodology developed is of a Quantitative approach with a quasi-experimental design, the proposed Distillation method was based on 4 stages, Diagnosis, planning, execution and evaluation, the definition of the concepts of each stage was important to understand and develop the proposal of the Method of Distillation. The physicochemical and microbiological analyzes of the water by treatment by the distillation method were evaluated where the comparison was possible, demonstrating the feasibility for the initial purpose, the reduction of the chloride and Ph index, by 99%, that is, the high values of chlorides and Ph were reduced in an optimal proportion, to be used in industry, not recommended for human consumption (only for agricultural irrigation, personal hygiene, food processing). On the other hand, the cost-benefit analysis was carried out, resulting in the proposal not being feasible at the moment.
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