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Mera, M., (2014). Aporte tecnológico constructivo Moche en un centro de capacitación gastronómica [Tesis, Universidad Privada del Norte].
Mera, M., Aporte tecnológico constructivo Moche en un centro de capacitación gastronómica [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Privada del Norte; 2014.
title = "Aporte tecnológico constructivo Moche en un centro de capacitación gastronómica",
author = "Mera González, Moisés Alberto",
publisher = "Universidad Privada del Norte",
year = "2014"
Título: Aporte tecnológico constructivo Moche en un centro de capacitación gastronómica
Autor(es): Mera González, Moisés Alberto
Asesor(es): Saito Hanahisa, Jorge Enrique
Palabras clave: Proyectos arquitectónicos; Diseño arquitectónico; Gastronomía
Campo OCDE:
Fecha de publicación: 28-jul-2014
Institución: Universidad Privada del Norte
Resumen: RESUMEN
En el presente trabajo de investigación “Aporte tecnológico constructivo Moche
en un Centro de Capacitación Gastronómica” se da a conocer la influencia de
la tecnología constructiva arquitectónica ancestral para el rescate, proyección
en el tiempo y difusión de la cultura milenaria moche. La investigación
bibliográfica realizada, tiene por fin dar un conocimiento de ésta cultura preinca
en sus distintas fases, cómo orígenes que, según investigaciones se
dieron en antiguos pobladores de Queneto desarrollados en el valle de Virú,
descubierta por el arqueólogo Rafael Larco Hoyle, fueron de vital importancia
para el nacimiento de los primeros pobladores Moche, pasando también por
otros aspectos como la expansión territorial en nuestra costa norte, desarrollo
de grandes fortalezas, entorno, y así dando paso propicio a actividades
económicas como agricultura, caza, pesca, indispensables para su
alimentación, en las que aprendieron técnicas para la cocción de sus alimentos,
preparado de bebidas, así como otras manifestaciones culturales como
cerámica y tipología de construcción , la cual es de nuestro mayor interés.
Sin dejar de lado herramientas como la observación, aplicadas en el campo, las
cuales nos sirven para la recopilación de datos, en este caso, la Huaca del sol
y la Luna y, después siendo analizados por personas entendidas en el tema,
casos de arqueólogos, arquitectos quienes nos podrán brindar sus opiniones,
además se realizó una investigación de mercado, donde estudiantes del nivel
secundario de escuelas privadas y estatales aledañas, opinaron sobre su
tendencia al aprendizaje de la gastronomía moche, lo que nos sirve para una
proyección de alumnado en el presente centro.
Posteriormente se procedió al análisis de resultados en donde se demuestra
que es posible desarrollar el diseño arquitectónico de un Centro de
Capacitación gastronómica Moche a partir de la sumatoria de la identidad
formal arquitectónica de la civilización Moche y su tecnología constructiva, el cual ayudará a mostrar y desarrollar la riqueza culinaria de la población actual del valle de Moche rememorando asimismo a la antigua civilización del lugar,
validando de este modo la hipótesis planteada, por lo que se recomienda iniciar
todo proyecto relacionando la identidad de los pueblos con su tecnología y
aspiraciones futuras.
ABSTRACT In the following research paper “Technological constructive Moche contribution in a Gastronomical Training Center” the influence of the ancient architectural constructive technology for the rescue, repercussion in time and promotion of the ancient moche culture is disclosed. The purpose of the present bibliographical research is to create awareness concerning this pre-Inca culture in its different periods such as its origins that, according to the investigations of the archeologist Rafael Larco Hoyle, are found in the ancient inhabitants settled in the valley of Viru who were extremely important for the origin of the first Moche settlers. In addition, it is mentioned the territorial expansion along our north coast, development of great fortresses, surroundings, economic activities such as agriculture, hunting and fishing, essential for their diet, in which they learned cooking methods, beverages preparation, as well as other cultural expressions such as pottery and construction typology, which is our main interest. Besides, instruments such as observations were taken into account, applied to the field, which help us for the data collection, in this case, The Sun and the Moon Temples, being analyzed by experts in the field such as archeologists and architects who could give us their views. A market research was conducted in which high school students from private and public nearby schools talked about their tendency towards the learning of the Moche gastronomy, which helps us for a pupils’ projection in abovementioned center. Afterwards, the results were analyzed and it is demonstrated that it is possible to develop the architectural design of a Moche Gastronomical Training Center starting from the sum of the formal architectonic identity of the Moche civilization and its constructive technology, which will help us show and develop the culinary wealth of the current inhabitants of the Moche valley, recalling the ancient civilization of the place; validating, this way, the formulated hypothesis, which is why starting any project related to the identity of the towns with their technology and future aspirations is recommended.
ABSTRACT In the following research paper “Technological constructive Moche contribution in a Gastronomical Training Center” the influence of the ancient architectural constructive technology for the rescue, repercussion in time and promotion of the ancient moche culture is disclosed. The purpose of the present bibliographical research is to create awareness concerning this pre-Inca culture in its different periods such as its origins that, according to the investigations of the archeologist Rafael Larco Hoyle, are found in the ancient inhabitants settled in the valley of Viru who were extremely important for the origin of the first Moche settlers. In addition, it is mentioned the territorial expansion along our north coast, development of great fortresses, surroundings, economic activities such as agriculture, hunting and fishing, essential for their diet, in which they learned cooking methods, beverages preparation, as well as other cultural expressions such as pottery and construction typology, which is our main interest. Besides, instruments such as observations were taken into account, applied to the field, which help us for the data collection, in this case, The Sun and the Moon Temples, being analyzed by experts in the field such as archeologists and architects who could give us their views. A market research was conducted in which high school students from private and public nearby schools talked about their tendency towards the learning of the Moche gastronomy, which helps us for a pupils’ projection in abovementioned center. Afterwards, the results were analyzed and it is demonstrated that it is possible to develop the architectural design of a Moche Gastronomical Training Center starting from the sum of the formal architectonic identity of the Moche civilization and its constructive technology, which will help us show and develop the culinary wealth of the current inhabitants of the Moche valley, recalling the ancient civilization of the place; validating, this way, the formulated hypothesis, which is why starting any project related to the identity of the towns with their technology and future aspirations is recommended.
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Disciplina académico-profesional: Arquitectura
Institución que otorga el grado o título: Universidad Privada del Norte. Facultad de Arquitectura y Diseño
Grado o título: Arquitecto
Jurado: Alcázar Flores, Juan José; Aguilar Goicochea, César Augusto; Enrique Navarro, Eduardo
Fecha de registro: 18-abr-2017
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