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Rojas, J., (2024). Nivel de estrés laboral del personal de enfermería de centro quirúrgico del Hospital del Niño Breña 2023 [Universidad María Auxiliadora].
Rojas, J., Nivel de estrés laboral del personal de enfermería de centro quirúrgico del Hospital del Niño Breña 2023 []. PE: Universidad María Auxiliadora; 2024.
title = "Nivel de estrés laboral del personal de enfermería de centro quirúrgico del Hospital del Niño Breña 2023",
author = "Rojas Barriga, Jackeline Hellen",
publisher = "Universidad María Auxiliadora",
year = "2024"
Title: Nivel de estrés laboral del personal de enfermería de centro quirúrgico del Hospital del Niño Breña 2023
Other Titles: Work Stress Level of Nursing Staff in the Surgical Center of Hospital del Niño Breña 2023
Authors(s): Rojas Barriga, Jackeline Hellen
Advisor(s): Fajardo Canaval, Maria del Pilar
Keywords: Estrés laboral; Irritabilidad; Agotamiento; Enfermera; Centro quirúrgico; Work stress; Irritability; Exhaustion; Nurse
OCDE field:
Issue Date: 13-Aug-2024
Institution: Universidad María Auxiliadora
Abstract: Objetivo: determinar el nivel de estrés laboral en el personal de enfermería de centro quirúrgico del Hospital del niño de Breña 2023 Material y método: elegimos un enfoque cuantitativo para este trabajo porque consiste en la recogida de datos para verificar las hipótesis por medio de mediciones numéricas y análisis de tipo estadístico. Además, se utilizará este tipo de investigación, ya que se basa en un marco teórico ya existente, y su objetivo es ampliar las ideas científicas sin contrastarlas con los aspectos prácticos. No obstante, tendrá un alcance descriptivo, ya que busca comprender la correlación o nivel de relación entre dos o más variables en un contexto específico. Dado que los datos no variarán sustancialmente y se realizarán a lo largo de un plazo determinado, el diseño será transversal no experimental. Resultado: para el análisis cuantitativo, los datos se expondrán estadísticamente en cuadros y gráficos. Conclusiones: la investigación ofrecerá datos que contribuirán al estudio sobre el índice de estrés en el centro laboral del hospital del niño de Breña en el servicio del centro quirúrgico.
Objective: determine the level of work stress in the nursing staff of the surgical center of the Breña 2023 Children's Hospital Material and method: We chose a quantitative approach for this work because it consists of collecting data to verify the hypotheses through numerical measurements and statistical analysis. Furthermore, this type of research will be used, since it is based on an already existing theoretical framework, and its objective is to expand scientific ideas without contrasting them with practical aspects. However, it will have a descriptive scope, since it seeks to understand the correlation or level of relationship between two or more variables in a specific context. Since the data will not vary substantially and will be carried out over a certain period of time, the design will be non-experimental cross-sectional. Result: for quantitative analysis, the data will be presented statistically in tables and graphs. Conclusions: the research will provide data that will contribute to the study on the stress index in the workplace of the Breña children's hospital in the surgical center service.
Objective: determine the level of work stress in the nursing staff of the surgical center of the Breña 2023 Children's Hospital Material and method: We chose a quantitative approach for this work because it consists of collecting data to verify the hypotheses through numerical measurements and statistical analysis. Furthermore, this type of research will be used, since it is based on an already existing theoretical framework, and its objective is to expand scientific ideas without contrasting them with practical aspects. However, it will have a descriptive scope, since it seeks to understand the correlation or level of relationship between two or more variables in a specific context. Since the data will not vary substantially and will be carried out over a certain period of time, the design will be non-experimental cross-sectional. Result: for quantitative analysis, the data will be presented statistically in tables and graphs. Conclusions: the research will provide data that will contribute to the study on the stress index in the workplace of the Breña children's hospital in the surgical center service.
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Discipline: Enfermería en Centro Quirúrgico
Grade or title grantor: Universidad María Auxiliadora. Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud.
Grade or title: Especialista en Enfermería en Centro Quirúrgico
Register date: 6-Sep-2024
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