Bibliographic citations
Tipismana, C., Tovar, H. (2024). Implementación de programas de capacitación del personal para mejorar las deficiencias en las operaciones logísticas de la empresa: Grifo Parque Industrial El Asesor S.A.C. [Trabajo de Suficiencia Profesional, Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)].
Tipismana, C., Tovar, H. Implementación de programas de capacitación del personal para mejorar las deficiencias en las operaciones logísticas de la empresa: Grifo Parque Industrial El Asesor S.A.C. [Trabajo de Suficiencia Profesional]. PE: Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC); 2024.
title = "Implementación de programas de capacitación del personal para mejorar las deficiencias en las operaciones logísticas de la empresa: Grifo Parque Industrial El Asesor S.A.C.",
author = "Tovar Orellana, Hugo Edgar",
publisher = "Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)",
year = "2024"
The case study of Grifo Parque Industrial El Asesor S.A.C is presented. to provide alternative solutions to the problem of the lack of a risk management system in fuel marketing. Interviews were conducted with service station managers, literature was reviewed, and secondary sources of the business were reviewed. Three alternatives were defined to solve the problem: 1) the implementation of a risk prevention management system, 2) the implementation of the improvement or redesign of the flow of fuel loading and unloading processes, the definition of safety policies and procedures. safety, 3) the implementation of training programs for tap staff on safety and risk management issues to improve their skills on the subject. After an analysis, it was determined to implement alternative one, on the risk prevention management system, which includes carrying out preventive maintenance, corrective actions and a contingency plan for the service station, in this way, improving safety. and mitigate the possibility of an incident that may affect business continuity. Finally, it was concluded that the tap has the economic resources, the human and operational team to carry out the implementation.
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