Bibliographic citations
Loayza, A., (2021). Auditoría de gestión y su incidencia en el crecimiento empresarial de la Clínica Visual Center S.A.C. del Distrito de San Miguel del año 2019 [Universidad Peruana de Las Américas].
Loayza, A., Auditoría de gestión y su incidencia en el crecimiento empresarial de la Clínica Visual Center S.A.C. del Distrito de San Miguel del año 2019 []. PE: Universidad Peruana de Las Américas; 2021.
title = "Auditoría de gestión y su incidencia en el crecimiento empresarial de la Clínica Visual Center S.A.C. del Distrito de San Miguel del año 2019",
author = "Loayza Ordoñez, Alma Kimberly",
publisher = "Universidad Peruana de Las Américas",
year = "2021"
The present investigation has been elaborated with the central aim of contributing knowledge for the improvement of the problems of the Visual Center SAC Clinic, also, the present one has the general objective is to determine if the management audit affects the business growth of the Visual Clinic Center SAC of the district of San Miguel of the year 2019, general hypothesis The management audit affectsthe business growth of the Visual Center SAC clinic of the district of San Miguel of the year 2019 and the conclusion was reached that the management audit affected the growth business in the Visual Center SAC Clinic, because the audit detects errors in management, which by compensating the organization in its processes are more effective. This research is of an applied type and descriptive-explanatory level, being the non-experimental design with a cross-sectional section, likewise, non-probabilistic sampling was applied to the population, it was made up of 24 collaborators from the areas of the Visual Center SAC Clinic, For data collection, the survey technique was applied to the sample, its instrument being the questionnaire. Likewise, after appreciating the results, business growth was evidenced since good management does not remain at the time of managing the areas of the company well, which is why it is essential to evaluate the decisions to be made to have an optimal result and that there is an increase in the level of efficiency within the organization, since a management audit improves the area of a company in an integral way. This research aims to improve the situation of the company Visual Center S.A.C, as well as companies in the same business sector, that is why the application of a management audit in an organization improves the level of efficiency and efficiency of management as well as the processes that are saidly managed, also not only the execution of management audit improves processes and management , but improves the organizational climate within the organization for productive improvement by all the staff that makes it, which will increase the level of productivity for the common good of the company in order to achieve the goals set, that is why the integral improvement of the company will make it more profitable, with an improvement in its financial and economic structure , such as robustness and business growth according to investment levels and improved management.
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