Bibliographic citations
Arévalo, T., (2013). Utilidad de las secuencias en fase y fuera de fase en el diagnóstico de esteatosis hepática en Hospital Nacional Cayetano Heredia : mayo - julio del 2013 [Tesis, Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos].
Arévalo, T., Utilidad de las secuencias en fase y fuera de fase en el diagnóstico de esteatosis hepática en Hospital Nacional Cayetano Heredia : mayo - julio del 2013 [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos; 2013.
title = "Utilidad de las secuencias en fase y fuera de fase en el diagnóstico de esteatosis hepática en Hospital Nacional Cayetano Heredia : mayo - julio del 2013",
author = "Arévalo Vega, Telasim",
publisher = "Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos",
year = "2013"
--- The Magnetic Resonance presents well-known advantages, being an innocuous examination and with scanty contraindications. Radiation does not use ionizante unlike the Tomography, which it does a sure examination for the patient. The development of technologies of rapid acquisition with excellent quality of image to fact of the RM the modality of study for images more exact for the detection and characterization of the hepatic en¬fermedad. In some cases, with the ade¬cuada combination of sequences, the RM can diagnose so exactly the disease that makes to itself the invasive study unnecessary. The present study tries to demonstrate. The present study tries to demonstrate the usefulness of using sequences T1 in phase and out of phase, to establish loss of sign in the sequences out of phase with regard to the sequences in phase, in case of Esteatosis Hepática. The study is of type observacional, transversely, market, descriptively, analytical. The population was shaped by 88 patients who came to RM's service of the Hospital Cayetano Heredia during May - July, 2013 and who fulfilled the criteria of selection for the study. I determine the usefulness of the test by means of the test of “ chi square “comparing the results of the technology with found in the reports so much of Ultrasound and Tomography. Deciding a high Sensibility and Specificity of RM's Test opposite to others. Key words: Magnetic Resonance, It Sequences in phase and out of phase, Esteatosis Hepática, Ultrasound, Tomography.
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