Bibliographic citations
Tarazona, E., (2008). Conocimientos sobre higiene en la manipulación de alimentos que tienen las madres de los comedores populares del distrito de los Olivos, año 2007-2008 [Tesis, Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos].
Tarazona, E., Conocimientos sobre higiene en la manipulación de alimentos que tienen las madres de los comedores populares del distrito de los Olivos, año 2007-2008 [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos; 2008.
title = "Conocimientos sobre higiene en la manipulación de alimentos que tienen las madres de los comedores populares del distrito de los Olivos, año 2007-2008",
author = "Tarazona Moreno, Evosiem Luz",
publisher = "Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos",
year = "2008"
The present study must like objective determine the knowledge on hygiene in the Manipulation of the Foods that have the mothers of the Popular Dining rooms of the distrit of the Los Olivos. The study is of aplicativo level, quantitative type; the method is descriptive simple one, of cross section. The population integrates 258 people, pertaining to 43 dining rooms registered in the distrit. The sample is obtained by simple random sampling, selecting to 12 dining rooms, with a population sample of 72 people. The technique is the survey and the instrument, a structured questionnaire of multiple answers. The most significant findings are: 50% of the mothers responsible for the preparation of lunches in the Popular Dining rooms, know the measures hygiene during the manipulation foods; but being 50% of mothers they do not know these measures, is due to make emphasis in the sanitary education on manipulation of foods, in order to prevent the contamination with such and therefore diminishing the risk of nutritional diseases in the companions at table who go to these communitarian services. Also, the stage in the food manipulation with greater percentage of ignorance is the measures of hygiene to consider itself for the food purchase which can favor to one to direct and/or crossed contamination of these nutritional products.
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