Bibliographic citations
Nestares, K., (2016). Actitudes de los adultos hacia la prevención de diabetes tipo II en un Centro de Salud en Lima Metropolitana 2014 [Tesis, Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos].
Nestares, K., Actitudes de los adultos hacia la prevención de diabetes tipo II en un Centro de Salud en Lima Metropolitana 2014 [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos; 2016.
title = "Actitudes de los adultos hacia la prevención de diabetes tipo II en un Centro de Salud en Lima Metropolitana 2014",
author = "Nestares Quispe, Katherine",
publisher = "Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos",
year = "2016"
--- Diabetes is one of the most important health problems in the world for the burden of disease in terms of disability and premature mortality; “its prevalence in Peru is 5.5%; This, Type II Diabetes accounts for 90% of cases; and its magnitude is increasing, due to increased risk factors such as obesity, a sedentary lifestyle among others” That is why this study entitled “Attitudes of adults towards the Prevention of Type II Diabetes in a health center in Lima, in 2014,“ aimed to determine the attitudes of adults towards the prevention of type II diabetes Health Center “Villa San Luis“. The approach was quantitative level application, descriptive method and cross section. The population consisted of 101 adults aged 50-59 years of age belonging to the strategy of prevention and control of noncommunicable damage respondents inclusion and exclusion criteria. The instrument used was the modified Likert scale and within the results obtained were that a total of 50 (100%) adults surveyed; 14 (28%) had fairly unfavorable attitude, 13 (26%) had unfavorable attitude, 12 (24%) had positive attitude and 11 (22%) had fairly favorable towards the prevention of Type II Diabetes attitude. Concluding that attitudes that adults Health Center Villa San Luis towards preventing type II diabetes in most unfavorable, so we would be increasing the risk of developing Type II Diabetes with its complications. Keywords: Type II Diabetes Mellitus, attitudes, prevention.
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