Bibliographic citations
Vergaray, A., (2009). Evaluación de las características esqueléticas y dentales de pacientes deglutores atípicos según patrón esquelético [Tesis, Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos].
Vergaray, A., Evaluación de las características esqueléticas y dentales de pacientes deglutores atípicos según patrón esquelético [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos; 2009.
title = "Evaluación de las características esqueléticas y dentales de pacientes deglutores atípicos según patrón esquelético",
author = "Vergaray Solano, Albina Karen",
publisher = "Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos",
year = "2009"
--- A descriptive study was carried out in which 82 atypical deglutitory with permanent teeth patients were evaluated, who rigorously fulfilled the inclusion criteria to be considered as sample. An analysis of the “USP Projection” was performed to the sample, through which it was divided in three skeletal groups: Class I, Class II and Class III McNamara analysis was applied to each group to determine its skeletal and dental characteristics. The purpose of this study was to determine if there was a significant difference between the covariable skeletal standard and the typical skeletal and dental variables using Fisher’s exact test for all characteristics except the size of the oropharynx for which the square Chi test was used. Differences were shown between the three groups in two characteristics: The angle of the facial axis and the position of the inferior incisor teeth, in patients with atypical deglutition. The angle of the facial axis in Class I and Class II patients show vertical facial growth predominance, and in Class III show horizontal facial growth. The position of inferior front teeth in Class I, Class II and Class III patients show protruded front teeth predominance. The performance of the following characteristics: maxilla position, jawbone position, anteroinferior facial height, mandibular plane angle, nasopharynx size, oropharynx size and position of upper front teeth, apparently don’t show any differences in the three types of skeletal standards in patients with atypical deglutition. Atypical deglutitory patients showed a retruded maxilla, retruded mandible, increased anteroinferior facial height, vertical facial growth, open mandibular plane angle, narrow nasopharyngeal size, normal oropharynx size, protruded upper front teeth and protruded lower front teeth predominance.
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