Bibliographic citations
Hernández, I., (2004). Estudio epidemiológico del trauma cráneo encefálico : Servicio de Emergencia. Hospital Guillermo Almenara Irigoyen-Essalud, agosto 2003-julio 2004 [Tesis de segunda especialidad, Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos].
Hernández, I., Estudio epidemiológico del trauma cráneo encefálico : Servicio de Emergencia. Hospital Guillermo Almenara Irigoyen-Essalud, agosto 2003-julio 2004 [Tesis de segunda especialidad]. PE: Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos; 2004.
title = "Estudio epidemiológico del trauma cráneo encefálico : Servicio de Emergencia. Hospital Guillermo Almenara Irigoyen-Essalud, agosto 2003-julio 2004",
author = "Hernández Depaz, Ilich Edwin",
publisher = "Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos",
year = "2004"
-- INTRODUCTION: The patient's handling with Trauma encephalic Skull in the services of Emergency supposes a series of aptitudes and procedures that make it different from other services. The panorama of the services of Emergency of the hospitals of IV level of complexity like the HNGAI are even made more complex considering factors like attended population's type (bigger adults generally), their origin (not alone of the area extrahospitalaria but also referred patients of other hospitals), and the spectrum of graveness of the different trauma grades that you/they are presented. PROBLEM OF INVESTIGATION: Which is the epidemic profile (incidence, causes, prevalence, distribution, morbility and mortality) of the Trauma cranium - encefalic in mature patients assisted in the areas of Shock Trauma and Court of critical patients of the Service of Emergency of the Hospital Guillermo Beacon Irigoyen-EsSalud? HYPOTHESIS OF INVESTIGATION: a high incidence Exists of patient with traumatism cranial encefalic that you/they enter to the unit of shock trauma of the HNGAI, in its majority males, having like main cause the accidents of I traffic, with a high death rate in the first 24 hours of evolution, and in the first week of evolution like consequence of infectious complications. IMPLIED VARIABLES OF STUDY: INDEPENDENT: Traumatism cranial encefalic in adults CLERK: I Study epidemic in the Hospital Guillermo Beacon Irigoyen. INTERVENERS (not considered): Race, sex, civil status, instruction, from. level economic partner, religion, GENERAL OBJECTIVE: to Study the epidemiology of the Trauma cranium encefalic in mature patients assisted in the service of Emergency of the HNGAI during the period of August from the 2003 to Julio the 2004. SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES: 1 - To study the causation of the TEC 2 - To determine the distribution of the TEC in the population assisted in Emergency of the HNGAI 3 - To determine the main clinical manifestations of patients that enter with T C E.. 4 - To determine the time that takes a long time in Diagnosing the Severity of the TCE topographically (time door-TAC) 5 - To study the factors that determine the morbimortality of the TCE 6-To compare this study with previous studies on TCE in emergency, for determine the goods of the initial handling on the final evolution. 7 - To determine the prevalence of the TCE in Emergency of the HNGAI TYPE OF STUDY: Study of descriptive, longitudinal, prospective and observational. UNIVERSE OF STUDY: All the mature patients with approaches of TEC of less than 24 hours of evolution, admitted in the area of Shock Trauma and Court of critical Patients of the Service of Emergency of the Hospital Guillermo Beacon Irigoyen of EsSalud, among August 2003 to Julio 2004. SIZE OF THE SAMPLE: METHODOLOGY: 1; The observational prospective study was made in the area of Shock Trauma and Court of critical patients of Emergency of the HNGAI, during the days of study (12 months) they were selected the patients according to the inclusion approaches being obtained then through to form the following dates to) day and hour of the emergency attention, b) age, c) sex, d) origin, happened and) time of the accident, f) signs and symptoms to the entrance, g) Glasgow scale to the entrance, h) type of TCE, i) time of lost conscientious, j) you vital functions, k) personal that brings to the patient, l) procedures in the transport, realized laboratory m) exams, n) you x-ray, or) Time door. TAC,) formless tomografico, surgical q) treatment, r) mortality, s) complications of the procedures. 2; evaluation and supervision for tutors, 3; Elaboration of clinical History for the Resident and supervision for the Assistant of the APCE, 4; Filled of the records of Emergency in charge of the authors, 5; Elaboration of squares and general graphics, 6; I Calculates you of descriptive statisticians, elaboration of graphics and I calculates you of ecuaciones.7; Discussion of the obtained results according to the specific objectives of the Thesis. RESULTS AND SUMMATIONS: The frequency of the TEC in the service of Emergency i of 17%, being the age average of the 60 year-old patients, 58% enters to the unit of Shock Trauma, being the relationship varon/mujer from 2 to 1,manteniéndose the but high entrance percentage during the night shifts, the ends of weekly being transported in its majority for personal of the service of STAE, having ace cheats average to the entrance to Shock trauma of 45 minute after the event, with to scale of Glasgow to the entrance of 10 points, Suggestions: the protocols or guides of attention should be known the personnel of emergencies all told and it will serve, so much to the medical emergenciologyst ace to those of other specialties to defines in the patients the approaches to classify the grade of severity and appropriate and opportune handling, The moment of the taking of TAC, one of the most outstanding aspects constitutes for the I diagnose precocious and appropriate treatment, and adjust that they dog be made in the therapy
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