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Ballesteros, G., (2018). Tenencia [Trabajo de investigación, Universidad Peruana de las Américas].
Ballesteros, G., Tenencia [Trabajo de investigación]. : Universidad Peruana de las Américas; 2018.
title = "Tenencia",
author = "Ballesteros Yabar, Gustavo",
publisher = "Universidad Peruana de las Américas",
year = "2018"
Title: Tenencia
Authors(s): Ballesteros Yabar, Gustavo
Keywords: Derecho CIvil; Procesal Civil
Issue Date: Feb-2018
Institution: Universidad Peruana de las Américas
Abstract: El 15 de diciembre de 2000, ERIKA GIOVANNA CONDORI JIMÉNEZ interpuso
DEMANDA DE TENENCIA de su menor hija Nicole Estrella Loayza Condori, contra
JESÚS LOAYZA VARGAS, indicando que el demandado le habría arrebatado a su
hija al nacer; y, que pese a que en diferentes oportunidades le ha solicitado le entrega a
su hija, éste se ha rehusado, amenazando con matar a la menor.
Sostuvo que acredita su condición de madre de la menor de quien solicita la tenencia
con la sentencia de impugnación de maternidad, la prueba de ADN, la declaración del
demandado que reconoce su condición y la testimonial de la obstetriz que atendió el
El demandante, en forma maliciosa consignó en la partida de nacimiento de su hija
como madre a su esposa; y, como consecuencia de ello, se encontraría procesado
penalmente al haber incurrido en un concierto de delitos (contra la fe pública, contra el
estado civil y estafa), siendo sentenciado por el delito contra el patrimonio de un año de
pena privativa de libertad la misma que fue confirmada por la Sala Penal de la Corte
Superior de Lima, con lo que se acreditaría la agresividad del demandado.
Amparó su pretensión en los Artículos 81° y siguientes del Código de los Niños y
Adolescentes y presentó como medios probatorios el certificado de nacimiento de la
menor hija de la demandante, la solicitud de las garantías personales contra el
emplazado a favor de la demandante e hija por estar en peligro la integridad física de su
hija, la constatación policial donde consta que nadie se encuentra en el domicilio que
señaló como suyo, la constatación policial que el demandado no le permite ver a su
menor hija, el resultado de ADN donde constaría que al demandante es la madre de la
menor, la declaración de la obstetriz que la atendió al momento del parto, la declaración
del demandado que consta en la sentencia de impugnación que la demandante es la
madre, la partida de nacimiento de su hija donde ilícitamente el demandado hizo
consignar el nombre de su esposa Mirian Basilia Remón Olivares (fallecida) para
cobrar un incentivo económico, entre otros.
De esta manera, con Res. N° 05, de fecha 19 de enero de 2001, el Juez admitió la
demanda en la vía del proceso único, disponiendo tener por ofrecidos los medios
probatorios y correr traslado a la parte demandada por el término de 05 días.
El 07 de febrero de 2001, Jesús Richard Loayza Vargas se apersonó al proceso y
contestó la demanda negándola y contradiciéndola en todos sus extremos, para efectos
de que sea declarado improcedente, con expresa condena de costas y costos del proceso.
Seguidamente, se realizó en el proceso la audiencia única el 04 de abril de 2001,
dirigido por el Juez del Noveno Juzgado de Familia de Lima, en el que, la parte
demandante interpuso tacha a 02 documentos probatorios (al convenio privado de fecha
15 de febrero de 1999 y las 18 fotografías) que ofreció el demandado en su escrito de
contestación de demanda.
Dentro de la audiencia, el Juez emitió la Res. N° 09, con el que declaró improcedente
las tachas interpuestas; por lo que declaró saneado el proceso por la existencia de una
relación jurídica procesal válida entre las partes.
Seguidamente, dejó constancia que no era posible promover la conciliación entre las
partes por inasistencia del demandado, con lo que continuó con la fijación del punto
Asimismo, en dicha diligencia procedió a realizar el saneamiento probatorio y dispuso
medios probatorios de oficio. La actuación probatoria se realizó el 30 de abril de
2001, primero los de la demandante y luego los de la demandada.
El 25 de junio de 2001, el Fiscal de la Novena Fiscalía Provincial de Familia remitió al
juzgado el Dictamen N° 091-2001, por el que opinó que se declare infundada la
demanda sobre tenencia y custodia de la menor Nicole Estrella Loayza Condori,
concediéndola a favor de la demandante un régimen de visitas amplio y en un horario
adecuado para que pueda ver, estar, retirar y retornar al hogar paterno a su hija.
Con Res. N° 20, de fecha 20 de julio de 2001 el Noveno Juzgado de Familia de Lima
expidió sentencia de primera instancia, con el que declaró infundada la demanda
interpuesta por Erika Giovanna Condori Jiménez contra Jesús Loayza Vargas sobre
tenencia y custodia de la menor Nicole Estrella Loayza Condori, sin costas ni costos del
El 24 de agosto de 2001, la demandante interpuso recurso de apelación contra la
sentencia de primera instancia que declaró infundada su demanda; la misma que fue
concedida con efecto suspensivo mediante Res. N° 21, de fecha 27 de agosto de 2001.
El 01 de octubre de 2001, la Fiscalía Superior de Familia emitió el Dictamen N° 612-
2001, opinó que la resolución apelada sea confirmada.
Que, la Sala Especializada de Familia de la Corte Superior, mediante sentencia de vista
de fecha 22 de octubre de 2001, revocó la sentencia apelada que declaró infundada la
demanda; y, reformándola, declaró fundada la demanda, en consecuencia,
concedieron la tenencia de la menor Nicole Estrella Loayza Condori a favor de la
demandante, fijando un régimen de visitas a favor del demandado, sin costas ni costos
del proceso.
El demandado interpuso recurso de casación con escrito de fecha 04 de diciembre de
2001, por el que alegó que la sentencia de vista incurrió en la aplicación indebida del
inciso a ) y b) del Artículo 84° del Código de los Niños y del Adolescente; y, la
inaplicación del inciso a) del Artículo 92° del cuerpo normativo antes mencionado.
Finalmente, la Sala Civil Transitoria de la Corte Suprema emitió el auto calificatorio del
recurso de casación el 04 de febrero de 2002, con el que declaró improcedente el
On December 15, 2000, ERIKA GIOVANNA CONDORI JIMÉNEZ filed a DEMAND OF TENURE of her younger daughter Nicole Estrella Loayza Condori, against JESÚS LOAYZA VARGAS, indicating that the defendant had snatched her daughter at birth; and, that in spite of the fact that she has asked for her daughter on different occasions, he has refused, threatening to kill the child. He argued that proves his status as the mother of the child who requested the possession with the judgment of impugnation of maternity, DNA test, the declaration of the defendant who acknowledges his condition and the testimonial of the obstetrician who attended the birth. The plaintiff maliciously consigned his daughter's birth certificate to his wife; and, as a consequence of this, he would be criminally prosecuted for having committed a crime (against public faith, against civil status and fraud), being sentenced for the offense against the estate of one year of imprisonment that was confirmed by the Criminal Chamber of the Superior Court of Lima, which would prove the aggressiveness of the defendant. It protected its claim in Articles 81 and following of the Code of Children and Adolescents and presented as evidential means the birth certificate of the young daughter of the plaintiff, the request of the personal guarantees against the plaintiff in favor of the plaintiff and daughter because the physical integrity of her daughter is in danger, the police finding that no one is at the address that she identified as her own, the police finding that the defendant does not allow her to see her youngest daughter, the result of DNA where it would appear that the plaintiff is the mother of the child, the statement of the obstetrician who attended her at the time of child, the statement of the defendant that appears in the judgment of challenge that the plaintiff is the mother, the birth certificate of his daughter where illicitly The defendant had the name of his wife Mirian Basilia Remón Olivares (deceased) to collect an economic incentive, among others. Thus, with Res. No. 05, dated January 19, 2001, the Judge admitted the claim in the way of the single proceeding, ordering to have offered the means of evidence and running transfer to the defendant for the term of 05 days. On February 7, 2001, Jesús Richard Loayza Vargas came to the proceedings and answered the claim denying it and contradicting it in all its aspects, for the purpose of being declared inadmissible, with express condemnation of costas and costs of the proceeding. Subsequently, the sole hearing was held on April 4, 2001, under the direction of the Judge of the Ninth Family Court of Lima, in which the plaintiff filed a cross- 4 examination of 02 evidentiary documents (the private agreement dated 15 February 1999 and the 18 photographs) offered by the defendant in his brief answering the application. During the hearing, the Judge issued Res. No. 09, with which he declared the interim charges irrelevant; Therefore, the process was declared healthy due to the existence of a valid procedural legal relationship between the parts. Then, he noted that it was not possible to promote conciliation between the parts due to the absence of the defendant, which continued with the fixing of the controversial point. Likewise, in this proceeding, he proceeded to carry out the evidentiary sanitation and provided probative means ex officio. The evidentiary proceeding was carried out on April 30, 2001, first those of the plaintiff and then those of the defendant. On June 25, 2001, the Prosecutor of the Ninth Provincial Family Prosecutor's Office forwarded to the court the Opinion No. 091-2001, which opined that the demand on the possession and custody of the child Nicole Estrella Loayza Condori be declared unfounded, granting her in favor of the plaintiff a broad visiting regime and at an appropriate time so that she can see, be, withdraw and return to the paternal home to her daughter. With Resolution No. 20, dated July 20, 2001, the Ninth Family Court of Lima issued a judgment of first instance, with which it declared unfounded the lawsuit filed by Erika Giovanna Condori Jiménez against Jesús Loayza Vargas on the possession and custody of the child Nicole Estrella Loayza Condori, without costas or costs of the process. On August 24, 2001, the plaintiff filed an appeal against the judgment of first instance that declared her claim unfounded; the same that was granted with suspensive effect by Resolution No. 21, dated August 27, 2001. On October 1, 2001, the Superior Family Prosecutor's Office issued Opinion No. 612-2001, opined that the resolution appealed be confirmed. That, the Special Family Chamber of the Superior Court, by judgment of the date of October 22, 2001, revoked the appealed judgment that declared the claim unfounded; and, reforming it, declared the claim well-founded, consequently, they granted the possession of the minor Nicole Estrella Loayza Condori in favor of the plaintiff, establishing a regime of visits in favor of the defendant, without costs or costs of the process. The defendant filed a cassation appeal dated December 4, 2001, for which he alleged that the hearing judgment incurred in the improper application of subparagraph a) and b) of Article 84 of the Code of Children and Adolescents; and, 5 the non-application of subsection a) of Article 92 of the aforementioned body of regulations. Finally, the Transitory Civil Chamber of the Supreme Court issued the writ of appeal on appeal on February 4, 2002, with which it declared it inadmissible.
On December 15, 2000, ERIKA GIOVANNA CONDORI JIMÉNEZ filed a DEMAND OF TENURE of her younger daughter Nicole Estrella Loayza Condori, against JESÚS LOAYZA VARGAS, indicating that the defendant had snatched her daughter at birth; and, that in spite of the fact that she has asked for her daughter on different occasions, he has refused, threatening to kill the child. He argued that proves his status as the mother of the child who requested the possession with the judgment of impugnation of maternity, DNA test, the declaration of the defendant who acknowledges his condition and the testimonial of the obstetrician who attended the birth. The plaintiff maliciously consigned his daughter's birth certificate to his wife; and, as a consequence of this, he would be criminally prosecuted for having committed a crime (against public faith, against civil status and fraud), being sentenced for the offense against the estate of one year of imprisonment that was confirmed by the Criminal Chamber of the Superior Court of Lima, which would prove the aggressiveness of the defendant. It protected its claim in Articles 81 and following of the Code of Children and Adolescents and presented as evidential means the birth certificate of the young daughter of the plaintiff, the request of the personal guarantees against the plaintiff in favor of the plaintiff and daughter because the physical integrity of her daughter is in danger, the police finding that no one is at the address that she identified as her own, the police finding that the defendant does not allow her to see her youngest daughter, the result of DNA where it would appear that the plaintiff is the mother of the child, the statement of the obstetrician who attended her at the time of child, the statement of the defendant that appears in the judgment of challenge that the plaintiff is the mother, the birth certificate of his daughter where illicitly The defendant had the name of his wife Mirian Basilia Remón Olivares (deceased) to collect an economic incentive, among others. Thus, with Res. No. 05, dated January 19, 2001, the Judge admitted the claim in the way of the single proceeding, ordering to have offered the means of evidence and running transfer to the defendant for the term of 05 days. On February 7, 2001, Jesús Richard Loayza Vargas came to the proceedings and answered the claim denying it and contradicting it in all its aspects, for the purpose of being declared inadmissible, with express condemnation of costas and costs of the proceeding. Subsequently, the sole hearing was held on April 4, 2001, under the direction of the Judge of the Ninth Family Court of Lima, in which the plaintiff filed a cross- 4 examination of 02 evidentiary documents (the private agreement dated 15 February 1999 and the 18 photographs) offered by the defendant in his brief answering the application. During the hearing, the Judge issued Res. No. 09, with which he declared the interim charges irrelevant; Therefore, the process was declared healthy due to the existence of a valid procedural legal relationship between the parts. Then, he noted that it was not possible to promote conciliation between the parts due to the absence of the defendant, which continued with the fixing of the controversial point. Likewise, in this proceeding, he proceeded to carry out the evidentiary sanitation and provided probative means ex officio. The evidentiary proceeding was carried out on April 30, 2001, first those of the plaintiff and then those of the defendant. On June 25, 2001, the Prosecutor of the Ninth Provincial Family Prosecutor's Office forwarded to the court the Opinion No. 091-2001, which opined that the demand on the possession and custody of the child Nicole Estrella Loayza Condori be declared unfounded, granting her in favor of the plaintiff a broad visiting regime and at an appropriate time so that she can see, be, withdraw and return to the paternal home to her daughter. With Resolution No. 20, dated July 20, 2001, the Ninth Family Court of Lima issued a judgment of first instance, with which it declared unfounded the lawsuit filed by Erika Giovanna Condori Jiménez against Jesús Loayza Vargas on the possession and custody of the child Nicole Estrella Loayza Condori, without costas or costs of the process. On August 24, 2001, the plaintiff filed an appeal against the judgment of first instance that declared her claim unfounded; the same that was granted with suspensive effect by Resolution No. 21, dated August 27, 2001. On October 1, 2001, the Superior Family Prosecutor's Office issued Opinion No. 612-2001, opined that the resolution appealed be confirmed. That, the Special Family Chamber of the Superior Court, by judgment of the date of October 22, 2001, revoked the appealed judgment that declared the claim unfounded; and, reforming it, declared the claim well-founded, consequently, they granted the possession of the minor Nicole Estrella Loayza Condori in favor of the plaintiff, establishing a regime of visits in favor of the defendant, without costs or costs of the process. The defendant filed a cassation appeal dated December 4, 2001, for which he alleged that the hearing judgment incurred in the improper application of subparagraph a) and b) of Article 84 of the Code of Children and Adolescents; and, 5 the non-application of subsection a) of Article 92 of the aforementioned body of regulations. Finally, the Transitory Civil Chamber of the Supreme Court issued the writ of appeal on appeal on February 4, 2002, with which it declared it inadmissible.
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Discipline: Derecho
Grade or title grantor: Universidad Peruana de las Américas. Facultad de Derecho
Grade or title: Abogado
Register date: 28-Jun-2018; 28-Jun-2018
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