Bibliographic citations
Vasquez, K., Garcia, M. (2024). Aplicación del Principio de Oportunidad al delito de violencia contra la mujer y los integrantes del grupo familiar [Trabajo de Suficiencia Profesional, Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)].
Vasquez, K., Garcia, M. Aplicación del Principio de Oportunidad al delito de violencia contra la mujer y los integrantes del grupo familiar [Trabajo de Suficiencia Profesional]. PE: Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC); 2024.
title = "Aplicación del Principio de Oportunidad al delito de violencia contra la mujer y los integrantes del grupo familiar",
author = "Garcia Caccire, Milagros Anabel",
publisher = "Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)",
year = "2024"
This work addresses the complex issue of the applicability of the principle of opportunity in cases of violence against women and/or members of the family group. Despite the contrary position adopted by the Supreme Court in Plenary Agreement No. 09-2019/CIJ-116, there are dissenting voices that defend the application of this procedural mechanism. In this context, various Jurisdictional Plenums have supported the application of the principle of opportunity. Likewise, legal doctrine has delved into the analysis of the topic, providing valuable perspectives that support the applicability of the principle of opportunity and highlight its potential benefits. The principle of opportunity is enshrined as a legal institution of criminal procedural law and pursues as one of its primary objectives the application of criminal law as a last resort. The viability of using this institution will be subject to specific criteria, such as the absence of need or merit of punishment and the public interest that is affected by the commission of the crime. In this framework, the position adopted in this work coincides with that held by the Jurisdictional Plenary Sessions. This position is based on solid doctrinal arguments, which maintain that the principle of opportunity must be applied in cases of crimes of aggression against women and members of the family group. This position is also based on principles such as minimal intervention of criminal law, as well as taking into account the purposes of the sentence and the interests of the victim.
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