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Salvador, B., Medina, J. (2024). Término del vínculo laboral por despido incausado [Trabajo de Suficiencia Profesional, Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)].
Salvador, B., Medina, J. Término del vínculo laboral por despido incausado [Trabajo de Suficiencia Profesional]. PE: Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC); 2024.
title = "Término del vínculo laboral por despido incausado",
author = "Medina Alcantara, Jessica Mariella",
publisher = "Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)",
year = "2024"
Title: Término del vínculo laboral por despido incausado
Advisor(s): Tori Vargas, Denise María
Keywords: Despido incausado; Derecho arbitrario; Derecho laboral; Causa justa; Indemnización; Estabilidad laboral; Unjustified dismissal; Arbitrary law; Labor law; Just cause; Compensation; Employment stability
OCDE field:;
Issue Date: 4-Jul-2024
Institution: Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)
Abstract: El presente trabajo de investigación analizó la Casación Laboral N° 18916-2017-LIMA, donde Bruno Orellana Montánchez demandó a la empresa Compañía Cervecera Ambev Perú SAC con el propósito de ser repuesto a su cargo como Técnico Operador bajo las mismas condiciones en las que se encontraba.
En el primer capítulo se planteó los antecedentes y fundamentos relevantes del caso, como son los argumentos del demandante y del demandado. También se abordó los puntos en controversia que llevaron a las partes a iniciar el presente proceso judicial. Asimismo, se detalló el análisis e interpretación de los jueces en primera y segunda instancia sobre los fundamentos jurídicos en relación al despido incausado.
En el segundo capítulo, tras una exhaustiva revisión de la legislación, la doctrina y la jurisprudencia, se expusieron las bases conceptuales relevantes en relación con el despido incausado. En consecuencia, el objetivo de esta investigación consistió en analizar la posición adoptada por los jueces en relación al despido incausado.
Finalmente, en el tercer capítulo se llevó a cabo un análisis crítico sobre la correcta interpretación que brinda la doctrina nacional e internacional en relación al despido incausado. Se concluye que se vulnera el debido proceso respecto a la forma de dar por terminado el vínculo laboral, toda vez que se debió de pagar una indemnización adecuada al perjuicio causado. Por ello la forma de despido materia del presente caso no cumplió con lo establecido en el ordenamiento jurídico.
The present research work analyzed the Labor Appeal No. 18916-2017-LIMA, where Bruno Orellana Montánchez sued the company Compañía Cervecera Ambev Perú SAC with the purpose of being reinstated to his position as Technical Operator under the same conditions in which he was found. In the first chapter, the background and relevant foundations of the case were presented, such as the arguments of the plaintiff and the defendant. The points in controversy that led the parties to initiate this judicial process were also addressed. Likewise, the analysis and interpretation of the judges in the first and second instance on the legal bases in relation to unjustified dismissal was detailed. In the second chapter, after an exhaustive review of the legislation, doctrine and jurisprudence, the relevant conceptual bases in relation to unjustified dismissal were presented. Consequently, the objective of this research was to analyze the position adopted by judges in relation to unjustified dismissal. Finally, in the third chapter, a critical analysis was carried out on the correct interpretation provided by national and international doctrine in relation to unjustified dismissal. It is concluded that due process is violated regarding the way of terminating the employment relationship, since adequate compensation should have been paid for the damage caused. Therefore, the form of dismissal that is the subject of this case did not comply with what is established in the legal system.
The present research work analyzed the Labor Appeal No. 18916-2017-LIMA, where Bruno Orellana Montánchez sued the company Compañía Cervecera Ambev Perú SAC with the purpose of being reinstated to his position as Technical Operator under the same conditions in which he was found. In the first chapter, the background and relevant foundations of the case were presented, such as the arguments of the plaintiff and the defendant. The points in controversy that led the parties to initiate this judicial process were also addressed. Likewise, the analysis and interpretation of the judges in the first and second instance on the legal bases in relation to unjustified dismissal was detailed. In the second chapter, after an exhaustive review of the legislation, doctrine and jurisprudence, the relevant conceptual bases in relation to unjustified dismissal were presented. Consequently, the objective of this research was to analyze the position adopted by judges in relation to unjustified dismissal. Finally, in the third chapter, a critical analysis was carried out on the correct interpretation provided by national and international doctrine in relation to unjustified dismissal. It is concluded that due process is violated regarding the way of terminating the employment relationship, since adequate compensation should have been paid for the damage caused. Therefore, the form of dismissal that is the subject of this case did not comply with what is established in the legal system.
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Discipline: Derecho
Grade or title grantor: Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC). Facultad de Derecho
Grade or title: Abogado
Juror: Tori Vargas, Denise María; Miranda De La Lama, Beatriz Elena
Register date: 7-Aug-2024
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