Bibliographic citations
Mau, E., Merino, E. (2023). Diseño de una nueva planta de plásticos decorativos para incrementar su capacidad de producción, basado en los principios de la metodología Systematic Layout Planning, Gestión de proyectos y 5s [Trabajo de Suficiencia Profesional, Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)].
Mau, E., Merino, E. Diseño de una nueva planta de plásticos decorativos para incrementar su capacidad de producción, basado en los principios de la metodología Systematic Layout Planning, Gestión de proyectos y 5s [Trabajo de Suficiencia Profesional]. PE: Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC); 2023.
title = "Diseño de una nueva planta de plásticos decorativos para incrementar su capacidad de producción, basado en los principios de la metodología Systematic Layout Planning, Gestión de proyectos y 5s",
author = "Merino Zavaleta, Erick Ronaldo",
publisher = "Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)",
year = "2023"
This research work is carried out based on a require from the company “Plásticos XYZ”, in which it requests the optimal design of its new facilities. Based on this, a diagnosis was made in which insufficient production capacity was identified, which implied costs equivalent to 9% of its turnover, mainly explained by the lack of machinery and the presence of different inefficiencies in its processes. The latter, even being solved, would not make it possible to satisfy the existing demand of 55,324 bags/year, since the maximum capacity that the current plant could reach is only 52,399 bags/year, validating the correct decision of the company. For this reason, a project was proposed that would optimize production capacity and prevent inefficiencies from the old plant from being moved, by adopting good labor practices, which will consist of three phases: the first, planning, in which established the requirements for the new plant; a design phase, to determine the most appropriate distribution considering the information from the previous step, and the final phase, implementation, which included both the costs and the necessary conditions for the move, and whose feasibility it was validated by means of a virtual prototype and economically, having a VAN of 342,545.65 soles. With this, an installed capacity of up to 80,432 bags/year would be achieved, exceeding the projected demand for the next 3 years by 24.90%, which would facilitate greater organizational growth in the future.
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