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Title: Análisis de impacto en tiempo de viaje por construcción de tercer carril en carretera transversal de primera clase (2001<IMDA<4000 veh/día) Pativilca - Conococha PE-16 Desde el <km 80 hasta el Km 90.
Other Titles: Analysis of the impact on travel time of the construction of a third lane on a first-class cross-track road (2001 <IMDA<4000 veh/day)“ Pativilca - Conococha PE-16 from KM 80 to KM 90
Advisor(s): Llerena Cano, Donald Gustavo
OCDE field: https://purl.org/pe-repo/ocde/ford#2.01.01; https://purl.org/pe-repo/ocde/ford#2.00.00
Issue Date: 13-Nov-2023
Institution: Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)
Abstract: El presente trabajo de tesis tiene por objetivo proponer la construcción de un tercer carril como alternativa que permita mejorar las condiciones de flujo vehicular de una carretera transversal de primera clase, para lo cual se realizó el estudio de las operaciones del tramo ubicado en la carretera P-16 Pativilca- Conococha desde el km 80 al km 90.

The objective of this thesis work is to propose the construction of a third lane as an alternative to improve the road capacity conditions of a first-class transversal road, for which a study of the operations of the section located on the P-16 Pativilca- Conococha road from km 80 to km 90 was carried out. For this 10 km four subsections were divided in order to evaluate the best location of the third overtaking lane with the purpose of improving the current situation of travel times. Being the typical characteristic of the study area a two-lane road in two directions of traffic, with a hilly orography full of curves and counter-curves and with a significant presence of cargo vehicles, which generates low speeds, delays and queues of vehicles due to the low visibility to overtake on the opposite direction lane, the implementation of safe overtaking zones is justified. As a first step, valuable information collected directly in the field was compiled to evaluate the current situation of the road under study in the chosen section, obtaining important parameters such as road geometry, vehicular flow, average speeds, travel times, as well as vehicle composition. The Vissim 10.0 computer software was used, in order to perform the modeling, the data was entered and analyzed, then it is sought to find the similarity to reality so the model has to be calibrated by modifying data that come by default in the software, which are necessary to change to have proximity to reality, so after this it is necessary to validate that the model is correct and fits reality. As a result of this evaluation, a subsection was found that meets the ideal conditions for the implementation of an overtaking lane, which has an average slope of 7% and a length of 750 m in almost straight line, for which the implementation of an overtaking lane improves overall travel times and safety on the road.
Discipline: Ingeniería Civil
Grade or title grantor: Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC). División de Estudios Profesionales para Ejecutivos (EPE)
Grade or title: Ingeniero Civil
Juror: Silvera Lima, Manuel Elias; Torres Diaz, Victor Elias
Register date: 11-Jan-2024

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