Bibliographic citations
Perez, G., Reymundo, R. (2023). Alcances y consideraciones sobre la validez del acto jurídico en el Octavo Pleno Casatorio Civil [Trabajo de Suficiencia Profesional, Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)].
Perez, G., Reymundo, R. Alcances y consideraciones sobre la validez del acto jurídico en el Octavo Pleno Casatorio Civil [Trabajo de Suficiencia Profesional]. PE: Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC); 2023.
title = "Alcances y consideraciones sobre la validez del acto jurídico en el Octavo Pleno Casatorio Civil",
author = "Reymundo Cangana, Ruth Esther",
publisher = "Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)",
year = "2023"
This research will analyze the VIII Plenary Civil Cassation Court, having as a relevant issue the legal consequence of the act by which the disposition of the corporate assets is unilaterally alienated in the absence of one of the spouses, establishing whether it is a null, voidable or ineffective legal act. The problem discussed in the VIII Plenary Civil Cassation Court, which was generated as a consequence of the lack of uniformity in the criteria applied by the judges in this type of situations, considering essential aspects such as: the principle of defense of the family interest and the precept of impartiality between the parties. Among the positions that prevailed in the discussion were nullity and ineffectiveness, leaning towards the assumption of nullity by establishing the public order nature of article 315° of the Civil Code. Likewise, the application of the family law exerts a relevant axis for the resolutive part of the Supreme Court of Justice, such that, what is pointed out in the Constitution and what is pointed out by the authors Magaña and Silva (2019), on the protection of the family sphere which is fully determinant to establish the public order and generate a solution to the conflict of interests that developed in the process subject matter of litis of the Cassation. Therefore, this Judgment was selected due to the juxtaposition of legal issues and the analysis made by the judges to choose the best possible solution, and laid the groundwork for determining the family as an important element.
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