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Ortega, M., Mendoza, J. (2023). Caso: Proceso de facturación en empresa de turismo [Trabajo de Suficiencia Profesional, Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)].
Ortega, M., Mendoza, J. Caso: Proceso de facturación en empresa de turismo [Trabajo de Suficiencia Profesional]. PE: Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC); 2023.
title = "Caso: Proceso de facturación en empresa de turismo",
author = "Mendoza Vergaray, José Alexis",
publisher = "Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)",
year = "2023"
Title: Caso: Proceso de facturación en empresa de turismo
Other Titles: Case: Order to cash process in a tourism company
Advisor(s): Venegas López, César Augusto
Keywords: Order to cash; Liquidez; Facturación; Turismo; Liquidity management; Billing; Tourism
OCDE field:;
Issue Date: 11-Nov-2023
Institution: Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)
Abstract: El presente trabajo de investigación se realizó en el departamento de facturación de la empresa Continental Travel S.A.C. abordando una problemática real en un área clave que debe tener una gestión eficiente de la liquidez empresarial. Por ello, se enfoca principalmente en el proceso relacionado al envío oportuno de facturas y documentos vinculados a las cuentas por cobrar, destacando la gestión de cobranza como un indicador clave para la empresa.
El análisis reveló que la empresa experimenta demoras y retrasos en la facturación de documentos pendientes, los cuales carecen de un proceso definido en su seguimiento y control. Para ello, se plantean tres alternativas dentro del proceso de mejora: (a) Capacitación; (b) Estructura y metodología en la administración de datos; y (c) Mejorar el proceso de facturación con eficiencia. Siendo elegida la alternativa de Mejorar el proceso de facturación con eficiencia, como la más efectiva y viable para brindar una rápida solución.
La investigación es de carácter descriptivo informativo y observación directa. Con ello se exploraron y analizaron las distintas etapas existentes dentro del proceso de facturación. Las mejoras propuestas, fueron producto del análisis que se hiciera, aplicando los conceptos de la teoría de “order to cash”, herramienta que nos permite analizar el proceso de cobranzas, desde la recepción de la Orden de servicio hasta la cobranza del mismo servicio.
La finalidad de la presente investigación es proponer distintas alternativas que permitan disminuir los tiempos de demora en la facturación, evitando realizar actividades que no generan valor.
This research work was carried out in the billing department of the company Continental Travel S.A.C. addressing a real problem in a key area that must have efficient management of business liquidity. Therefore, it focuses mainly on the process related to the timely sending of invoices and documents linked to accounts receivable, highlighting collection management as a key indicator for the company. The analysis revealed that the company experiences delays and delays in the billing of pending documents, which lack a defined process in their monitoring and control. To this end, three alternatives are proposed within the improvement process: (a) Training; (b) Structure and methodology in data management; and (c) Improve the billing process efficiently. The alternative of Improving the billing process with efficiency was chosen as the most effective and viable to provide a quick solution. The research is of a descriptive, informative nature and direct observation. With this, the different stages within the billing process were explored and analyzed. The proposed improvements were the product of the analysis carried out, applying the concepts of the “order to cash” theory, a tool that allows us to analyze the collection process, from the receipt of the Service Order to the collection of the same service. The purpose of this research is to propose different alternatives that allow reducing delay times in billing, avoiding carrying out activities that do not generate value.
This research work was carried out in the billing department of the company Continental Travel S.A.C. addressing a real problem in a key area that must have efficient management of business liquidity. Therefore, it focuses mainly on the process related to the timely sending of invoices and documents linked to accounts receivable, highlighting collection management as a key indicator for the company. The analysis revealed that the company experiences delays and delays in the billing of pending documents, which lack a defined process in their monitoring and control. To this end, three alternatives are proposed within the improvement process: (a) Training; (b) Structure and methodology in data management; and (c) Improve the billing process efficiently. The alternative of Improving the billing process with efficiency was chosen as the most effective and viable to provide a quick solution. The research is of a descriptive, informative nature and direct observation. With this, the different stages within the billing process were explored and analyzed. The proposed improvements were the product of the analysis carried out, applying the concepts of the “order to cash” theory, a tool that allows us to analyze the collection process, from the receipt of the Service Order to the collection of the same service. The purpose of this research is to propose different alternatives that allow reducing delay times in billing, avoiding carrying out activities that do not generate value.
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Discipline: Administración de Empresas
Grade or title grantor: Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC). División de Estudios Profesionales para Ejecutivos (EPE)
Grade or title: Licenciado en Administración de Empresas
Juror: Medina De La Cruz, Rose Marie; Ramírez Díaz, Ana María
Register date: 29-Dec-2023
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