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Ayvar, C., (2023). Informe de sustentacion de expediente Nº 04449-2014-PA/TC [Trabajo de Suficiencia Profesional, Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)].
Ayvar, C., Informe de sustentacion de expediente Nº 04449-2014-PA/TC [Trabajo de Suficiencia Profesional]. PE: Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC); 2023.
title = "Informe de sustentacion de expediente Nº 04449-2014-PA/TC",
author = "Ayvar Ayvar, Carla Susan",
publisher = "Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)",
year = "2023"
Title: Informe de sustentacion de expediente Nº 04449-2014-PA/TC
Authors(s): Ayvar Ayvar, Carla Susan
Keywords: Pensión de invalidez; Pensiones devengadas; Intereses legales; Derecho fundamental a la pensión; Proceso de amparo; Disability pension; Accrued pensions; Legal interests; Fundamental right to a pension; Amparo process
OCDE field:;
Issue Date: 6-Dec-2023
Institution: Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)
Abstract: El presente trabajo tiene por finalidad revisar un expediente sobre un proceso de amparo en el que se cuestiona el pago de pensiones devengadas a consecuencia de una pensión de invalidez otorgada al demandante, la cual le da de baja en el servicio a consecuencia de la incapacidad adquirida.
En esa línea, se realiza un análisis sobre una sentencia del Tribunal Constitucional que versa sobre si forma parte del contenido constitucionalmente protegido la solicitud de pensiones devengadas e intereses legales, puesto que el demandante afirma verse afectado ante la negativa de la Administración en entregarle las pensiones pertenecientes al periodo de 1998-2001.
Sobre ello, el Tribunal decidió por mayoría de votos declarar improcedente la demanda bajo el argumento de que la pretensión que requiera el pago de las pensiones devengadas no forma parte de la protección constitucional del derecho a la pensión a través del amparo, esto de acuerdo al precedente emitido en el caso Alfredo Curasma.
Por otro lado, la posición minoritaria del Tribunal Constitucional coincide en que ha existido una demora de la Administración para la emisión de la resolución que reconoce el otorgamiento de la pensión de invalidez del demandante, lo que generó el cumplimiento del plazo de prescripción de 3 años para que se pueda solicitar el pago de los devengados. Por ello, consideran que en este caso sí corresponde otorgar las pensiones requeridas, a fin de no dejar al demandante en un estado de indefensión, por su condición de salud, la que se ha deteriorado a consecuencia de su incapacidad.
The purpose of this paper is to review a file of an amparo process in which the payment of pensions accrued as a result of a disability pension granted to the plaintiff is questioned, which leaves him from service as a result of the acquired disability. In this line, the judgment of the Constitutional Court is analyzed on whether the application for accrued pensions and legal interest is part of the constitutionally protected content, since the plaintiff claims to be affected by the refusal of the Administration to deliver the pensions belonging to the period of 1998-2001. On this, the Court decided by majority vote to declare the lawsuit inadmissible under the argument that the claim that requires the payment of the accrued pensions is not part of the constitutional protection of the right to the pension through the amparo, this according to the precedent issued in the Alfredo Curasma case. On the other hand, the minority position of the Constitutional Court agrees that there has been a delay of the Administration for the issuance of the resolution that recognizes the granting of the disability pension of the plaintiff, which generated the fulfillment of the limitation period of 3 years so that the payment of the accrued can be requested. Therefore, they consider that in this case it is appropriate to grant the required pensions, so as not to leave the applicant in a state of defenselessness, due to his health condition, which has deteriorated as a result of his disability.
The purpose of this paper is to review a file of an amparo process in which the payment of pensions accrued as a result of a disability pension granted to the plaintiff is questioned, which leaves him from service as a result of the acquired disability. In this line, the judgment of the Constitutional Court is analyzed on whether the application for accrued pensions and legal interest is part of the constitutionally protected content, since the plaintiff claims to be affected by the refusal of the Administration to deliver the pensions belonging to the period of 1998-2001. On this, the Court decided by majority vote to declare the lawsuit inadmissible under the argument that the claim that requires the payment of the accrued pensions is not part of the constitutional protection of the right to the pension through the amparo, this according to the precedent issued in the Alfredo Curasma case. On the other hand, the minority position of the Constitutional Court agrees that there has been a delay of the Administration for the issuance of the resolution that recognizes the granting of the disability pension of the plaintiff, which generated the fulfillment of the limitation period of 3 years so that the payment of the accrued can be requested. Therefore, they consider that in this case it is appropriate to grant the required pensions, so as not to leave the applicant in a state of defenselessness, due to his health condition, which has deteriorated as a result of his disability.
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Discipline: Derecho
Grade or title grantor: Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC). Facultad de Derecho
Grade or title: Abogado
Juror: Rezkalah Accinelli, Eduardo José; Godoy Martínez, José Luis; Quiroz Villalobos, Milton Ebert
Register date: 9-Nov-2023
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