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Title: Propuesta de mejora en una empresa del sector palma aceitera utilizando Lean Manufacturing para incrementar la tasa de extracción de aceite
Other Titles: Model to increase efficiency in medium-sized companies in the oil palm sector using Lean Manufacturing
Advisor(s): Toro Huamanchumo, Carlos Jesús
OCDE field: https://purl.org/pe-repo/ocde/ford#2.11.04; https://purl.org/pe-repo/ocde/ford#2.00.00
Issue Date: 14-Aug-2023
Institution: Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)
Abstract: La presente investigación se basa en el artículo realizado por los autores, denominado “A Model for Increasing Palm Oil Production Efficiency at an Agro-Industrial Company through Lean Manufacturing” (Ojeda et al., 2021). 

In recent years, palm oil has grown rapidly, being the main vegetable oil in production and consumption worldwide. On the other hand, the mypes in the sector show efficiency gaps, where none can reach international standards that allow them to increase extraction efficiency. In this context, a model is presented that combines the 5s philosophy, to manage cultural transformation; Work Standardization, to define methods aligned to best practices; Visual management, as a facilitator in the control of key indicators; and, finally, automatic controls, to control the variables that regulator the production system. With the implementation, it was possible to reduce the levels of losses from 3.1% to 1.6%; oil production out of specification from 7.6% to 3.8%, and downtime was reduced by 30%. As a result, the profit increased 7% compared to the current scenario. 
Discipline: Ingeniería Industrial
Grade or title grantor: Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC). Facultad de Ingeniería
Grade or title: Ingeniero industrial
Juror: Salas Castro, Rosa Fernanda; Arrieta Gallardo, Roger Félix; Romero Varona, Luis Antonio
Register date: 2-Oct-2023

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