Bibliographic citations
Cruzado, Y., Navarro, K. (2022). Sistema de evaluación del maltrato físico en adolescentes producido por violencia familiar [Tesis, Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)].
Cruzado, Y., Navarro, K. Sistema de evaluación del maltrato físico en adolescentes producido por violencia familiar [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC); 2022.
title = "Sistema de evaluación del maltrato físico en adolescentes producido por violencia familiar",
author = "Navarro Mantari, Kerling Andrea",
publisher = "Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)",
year = "2022"
In Peru, the rate of violence against minors is alarming according to the statistical report of the National Program for the Prevention and Eradication of Violence against Women and Family Group Members (AURORA,2020) 41,802 cases were reported between January and March 2020 with an increase of 31 percentage point compared to that registered the previous year. Of which 74.5% were affected by physical violence. These figures indicates that there is a problem and that it is not being treated as it should be, since 94% of the affected people prefer not to look for help. Therefore, it is necessary to implement a tool that allows evidence of cases of violence that happen silently in families, to be able to intervene quickly and avoid unfortunate consequences that lead to growing up in an environment of violence. This project is based on an assessment tool for the physical abuse suffered by adolescents produced within the home, to increase the opportunities to identify cases of violence in the absence of disclosure. Also, this easy-to-use tool could help health professionals to have more confidence to identify and act effectively in these cases. This document has four specific objectives: 1. Analyze metrics of family violence, questionnaires and systems used to evaluate physical abuse in adolescents; 2. Design the integration architecture that supports the system requirements; 3. Validate the functionality of the system to assess physical abuse; 4. Prepare a continuity plan that guarantees the viability of the solution over time.
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