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Ticse, P., (2022). Terminal turístico fluvial de pasajeros en Pucallpa [Tesis, Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)].
Ticse, P., Terminal turístico fluvial de pasajeros en Pucallpa [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC); 2022.
title = "Terminal turístico fluvial de pasajeros en Pucallpa",
author = "Ticse Sierra, Patricia Antonia",
publisher = "Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)",
year = "2022"
Title: Terminal turístico fluvial de pasajeros en Pucallpa
Other Titles: Tourist Fluvial Passenger Terminal in Pucallpa
Authors(s): Ticse Sierra, Patricia Antonia
Advisor(s): Olórtegui del Castillo de Rummenhoeller, Tanith
Keywords: Terminal; Portuario; Necesidad; Identidad; Catalizador; Espacios públicos; Puente basculante; Pontón flotante; Condiciones climáticas; Port terminal; Need; Identity; Catalyst; Public spaces; Bascule bridge; Floating pontoon; Weather conditions
OCDE field:;
Issue Date: 12-Sep-2022
Institution: Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)
Abstract: El terminal Turístico fluvial de pasajeros es un proyecto cuyo propósito responde a una necesidad de infraestructura portuaria para pasajeros, no sólo abastece las principales necesidades de un terminal, sino que también funciona como punto turístico para la ciudad reflejando la esencia e identidad del lugar sin alterar el entorno.
Este proyecto interviene en la ribera del río Ucayali, en un terreno donde existe un frente precario y abandonado pero prometedor ya que situado aquí sería el catalizador para proyectos urbanos públicos a futuro. La propuesta de diseño no compite con el escenario natural que posee el lugar; aporta espacios públicos para el desarrollo de actividades culturales y recreativos para todo usuario.
La propuesta está compuesta por el edificio del terminal, que es una estructura mixta entre concreto y madera; el puente basculante de acero que posee un sistema de punto giratorio para responder a los cambios del caudal, y por último el pontón flotante hecho de concreto insitu que flota una vez terminado. Estos tres en conjunto responden a la necesidad de espacios dentro de un terminal y a las condiciones climáticas que presenta el lugar.
En conclusión, la función del proyecto es responder a la necesidad de infraestructura portuaria dela ciudad, enriquecer y revivir el espacio natural para todos aquellos que lo visiten.
The fluvial passenger tourist terminal is a project whose purpose responds to a need for port infrastructure for passengers, not only supplies the main needs of a terminal, but also functions as a tourist point for the city, reflecting the essence and identity of the place without altering the environment. This project intervenes on the banks of the Ucayali River, in a land where there is a precarious and abandoned front, but promising since located here it would be the catalyst for future public urban projects. The design proposal does not compete with the natural scenery that the place has, but rather provides public spaces for the development of cultural and recreational activities for all users. The proposal is made up of the terminal building, which is a mixed structure between concrete and wood; the steel bascule bridge that has a rotating point system to respond to changes in flow, and finally the floating pontoon made of insitu concrete that floats once completed. These three together respond to the need for spaces within a terminal and to the climatic conditions that the place presents. In conclusion, the function of the project is to respond to the need for the city's port infrastructure, enriching and reviving the natural space for all those who visit it.
The fluvial passenger tourist terminal is a project whose purpose responds to a need for port infrastructure for passengers, not only supplies the main needs of a terminal, but also functions as a tourist point for the city, reflecting the essence and identity of the place without altering the environment. This project intervenes on the banks of the Ucayali River, in a land where there is a precarious and abandoned front, but promising since located here it would be the catalyst for future public urban projects. The design proposal does not compete with the natural scenery that the place has, but rather provides public spaces for the development of cultural and recreational activities for all users. The proposal is made up of the terminal building, which is a mixed structure between concrete and wood; the steel bascule bridge that has a rotating point system to respond to changes in flow, and finally the floating pontoon made of insitu concrete that floats once completed. These three together respond to the need for spaces within a terminal and to the climatic conditions that the place presents. In conclusion, the function of the project is to respond to the need for the city's port infrastructure, enriching and reviving the natural space for all those who visit it.
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Discipline: Arquitectura
Grade or title grantor: Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC). Facultad de Arquitectura
Grade or title: Arquitecto
Register date: 2-Dec-2022
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