Bibliographic citations
Allca, V., Aido, E. (2022). Los beneficios y riesgos percibidos por los consumidores al evaluar la compra y uso de medicina alternativa [Trabajo de investigación, Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)].
Allca, V., Aido, E. Los beneficios y riesgos percibidos por los consumidores al evaluar la compra y uso de medicina alternativa [Trabajo de investigación]. PE: Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC); 2022.
title = "Los beneficios y riesgos percibidos por los consumidores al evaluar la compra y uso de medicina alternativa",
author = "Aido Vallejos, Eduardo Alonso",
publisher = "Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)",
year = "2022"
In this study, the perceived risk and benefit will be revealed as a dependent variable, during the evaluation and subsequent purchase of alternative medicine, as well as its use. The objective of this work is to explain what are the perceived risks and benefits that most influence consumers when evaluating the purchase and use of alternative medicine. The study is relevant because it allows us to know and understand in depth the behavior of the consumer with respect to alternative medicine and what are the factors that lead them to acquire these products. The focus of this research will be an explanatory quantitative study that wants to understand the relationship between the benefits, risks and beliefs of consumers in relation to the use and purchase of alternative medicine. Likewise, this study will be aimed at men and women between 30 and 45 years of age from NSE A and B, who reside in Metropolitan Lima and who have bought alternative medicine or who are willing to use it.
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