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Chapoñan, P., Lozano, M., Olivares, V., Ricra, E., Quintana, R. (2021). Proyecto “edukids” [Trabajo de investigación, Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)].
Chapoñan, P., Lozano, M., Olivares, V., Ricra, E., Quintana, R. Proyecto “edukids” [Trabajo de investigación]. PE: Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC); 2021.
title = "Proyecto “edukids”",
author = "Quintana Quichca, Raquel Rosario",
publisher = "Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)",
year = "2021"
Title: Proyecto “edukids”
Authors(s): Chapoñan Damian, Pamela Katherine; Lozano Romero, María Delia; Olivares Li, Vanesa Isabel; Ricra Chinchayan, Edson Ronaldo; Quintana Quichca, Raquel Rosario
Advisor(s): Zavala Lucar, Christian Enrique
Keywords: Educación virtual; Reforzamiento escolar; Aprendizaje supervisado; Virtual education; School reinforcement; Supervised learning
OCDE field:;
Issue Date: 3-Dec-2021
Institution: Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)
Abstract: Dada la coyuntura actual en la que nos encontramos, las universidades, institutos y colegios se han visto en la obligación de dictar clases de manera online. No obstante, muchos de estos no cuentan con la capacidad necesaria para dictar clases de manera eficiente, lo cual perjudica de cierta forma a los estudiantes. A raíz de esta problemática, el objetivo de nuestra idea de negocio se basa en ofrecer un aplicativo que ayude a los estudiantes del nivel primaria a reforzar los temas aprendidos en las clases modalidad virtual. El aplicativo, que lleva como nombre “EduKids”, logrará potenciar los conocimientos y habilidades de los niños a través de ejercicios educativos que se presentarán de acuerdo al grado y nivel en el que este se encuentre. A su vez, se ofrece un valor agregado que consiste en un juego de entretenimiento, el cual fue implementado para que el niño o niña motive su aprendizaje y continúe desbloqueando los niveles. Cabe mencionar que los indicadores financieros que presenta el alcance de este proyecto apuntan a que EduKids será rentable en el tiempo, debido a que el Valor Neto Actual (VAN) es de S/. 218,848.90, lo cual se considera que el proyecto será viable y nos generará un alto rendimiento. También mencionar que la Tasa de Retorno Interno (TIR) que ofrece esta inversión es de 113%, logrando ser aprobada por los accionistas dado que la inversión será viable en el tiempo.
Given the current situation in which we find ourselves, universities, institutes and colleges have been forced to teach classes online. However, many of them do not have the necessary capacity to teach classes efficiently, which is somewhat detrimental to students. As a result of this problem, the objective of our business idea is based on offering an application that helps primary-level students to reinforce the topics learned in virtual mode classes. The application, which is called “EduKids”, will be able to enhance children's knowledge and skills through educational exercises that will be presented according to their grade and level. In turn, an added value is offered that consists of an entertainment game, which was implemented so that the boy or girl motivates her learning and continues to unlock the levels. It is worth mentioning that the financial indicators presented by the scope of this project indicate that EduKids will be profitable over time, since the Net Present Value (NPV) is S /. 218,848.90, which is considered that the project will be viable and will generate a high yield. Also mention that the Internal Return Rate (IRR) offered by this investment is 113%, managing to be approved by the shareholders since the investment will be viable in time.
Given the current situation in which we find ourselves, universities, institutes and colleges have been forced to teach classes online. However, many of them do not have the necessary capacity to teach classes efficiently, which is somewhat detrimental to students. As a result of this problem, the objective of our business idea is based on offering an application that helps primary-level students to reinforce the topics learned in virtual mode classes. The application, which is called “EduKids”, will be able to enhance children's knowledge and skills through educational exercises that will be presented according to their grade and level. In turn, an added value is offered that consists of an entertainment game, which was implemented so that the boy or girl motivates her learning and continues to unlock the levels. It is worth mentioning that the financial indicators presented by the scope of this project indicate that EduKids will be profitable over time, since the Net Present Value (NPV) is S /. 218,848.90, which is considered that the project will be viable and will generate a high yield. Also mention that the Internal Return Rate (IRR) offered by this investment is 113%, managing to be approved by the shareholders since the investment will be viable in time.
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Discipline: Administración y Negocios Internacionales
Grade or title grantor: Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC). Facultad de Negocios
Grade or title: Bachiller en Administración y Negocios Internacionales
Register date: 14-Feb-2022
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